Sermons on Jeremiah (Page 2)

Sermons on Jeremiah (Page 2)

Jeremiah Study

Is The Yoke On You?

The first 25 chapters of Jeremiah focus on the message of God. Sadly it was one of impending judgment if they didn’t repent. As we move into Jeremiah 26, the next few chapters focus on the people’s response to the message. It brought opposition and aggression. It was clear the people were not ready to repent. And Jeremiah continued to give out God’s Word and showed them what they needed to do to be spared. They could either submit to God’s Word or succumb to His judgment. Bible text: Jeremiah 26-28
Jeremiah Study

A Word to the False Prophets

Jeremiah was continually battling people not taking him seriously. What made things worse is that there were false prophets completely contradicting the things he was saying. But in this chapter, God has a word for these false prophets. Better to stick to the true superior word of God than to listen to that which is inferior. Bible Text: Jeremiah 23:9-40
Jeremiah Study

A Word to the Kings

Jeremiah’s ministry overlapped the reign of the last 5 kings of Judah. The last four were wicked kings and in this study we see Jeremiah speaking to these 4 kings. It ultimately leads us to the final King that will come and establish a true reign of righteousness! Bible Text: Jeremiah 21:1-23:8
Jeremiah Study

The Potter, Prophet, & Policeman

Jeremiah is directed to go down to the Potters house and there he would find the potter at work. Through what Jeremiah saw the Lord would speak to him and give some practical insights to what God was doing with the nation. We also look at some practical application for us as clay in the Potters hand. Bible Text: Jeremiah 18-20
Jeremiah Study

You Want Me To Do What?

As if Jeremiah hasn’t already had it tough, now God tells him that he’s not to marry or have children. What’s the reason? How would you deal with that? Why does it seem the Lord withholds certain things from us? We look at some of the reasons and discuss living our lives to their fullest effectiveness for the Lord. Bible Text: Jeremiah 16-17
Jeremiah Study

Reaping What You Sow

For the third time Jeremiah is told not to pray for Judah. The people have reached a point in their sin where there is irreversable damage that is caused. A season is upon them where they must reap what they have sown. God will allow them to face captivity so as to have their hearts ultimately turn back to the Lord. But the Lord continues to give hope, “If you return, then I will bring you back.” (Jer. 15:19) Jeremiah 14-15
Jeremiah Study

Persevering & Preaching

Jeremiah asks the age old question, ‘Why does the way of the wicked prosper?’ God’s response is not what Jeremiah was hoping for I’m sure. But God’s concern was more for Jeremiah. All that Jeremiah was dealing with was meant to prepare him for greater challenges and build perseverance. It would enable him to continue preaching the word in all circumstances. Bible Text: Jeremiah 12-13
Jeremiah Study

Refusing to Return

Throughout this passage we see Judah as those who are holding fast to deceit, rushing into sin, refusing to listen or return to the Lord. The option was there and judgment could be averted, but they remained in sin and disobedience. So the warning continues to sound of what they could expect if they do not come back to God. Bible Text: Jeremiah 8:1-9:26
Jeremiah Study

Reliance On The Wrong Things

Jeremiah is called to go stand at the gates of the temple and declare the coming judgment of the Lord. The people were thinking they were safe because they had the temple after all. They could worship other gods as long as they came to the temple too. God would never let anything happen to His dwelling place, they thought. But as we’ll see, God is much more interested in obedience that buildings. He wants a devoted heart not a divided heart. Bible Text: Jeremiah 6:1-7:34