Help Ministries

Help Ministries

Food Pantry
We at Riverside know that hard times come, and we want to do our best at helping in those times. Our Food Pantry Ministry allows anyone to donate items so people can take what they need when they need it. The pantry is located in the Foyer of the Sanctuary building. If you would like to donate non-perishable foods and/or toiletry items feel free to put them on the shelf. If you are in need of items feel free to stop by the pantry on Sunday during our services, or during office hours on weekdays.

Meal Ministry
This group is for anyone who may be able to help provide an occasional meal in order to bless someone in our church. We invite you to sign up!

We all go through times of need, whether it is due to an illness, injury, death or when a new family member arrives. As a church, we’d like to suggest that the first line of contact would be from the Life/Ministry Group as coordinated by the Life/Ministry Group Leaders. For example, if someone in your group finds they are in need of meal provision, please let all members of your group know and plan to help out the one(s) in need as you are able to.

If/when your Life/Ministry Group has maxed out their resources, please call the church office and leave detailed information with them about the particular need. The church staff will then assess how to further help out.

If providing some meals for the individual/family is required, a church staff member will contact Faith T (or Michelle Smith or Natalie Evans) who will set up a plan using A message will then be sent to all who have signed up to help and all you have to do is just follow the link to see different day/time slots available for you to fill out as you are able to. We know that not everyone can help every time, but even once or twice every several months helps when there is a need.

Please pray about getting involved and thank you for being part of our RCC family!

Love Your Neighbour Bulletin

The Love Your Neighbour Online Bulletin Board is for anyone who may be willing with and able to provide practical help to people in need or to keep an eye/ear out for requests as they come in to the church.

Some examples of help that is often requested:
– 0accommodation
– transportation
– help around the house/yard
– employment needed

By joining this group, you are not committing to anything specific until you are able to respond to or share a specific request. Being a part of this group simply puts you in the loop of communication.

Thank you for serving and ministering in this way!