Welcome To Riverside

8:00 AM | 10:00 AM | 12:00 PM

Stadium Sunday

All three services will come together for one service in the stadium at the McLeod Athletic Park in Langley. We’ll have family fun in the afternoon and special concerts throughout the afternoon. It’s going to be a wonderful, full day together and we hope you can join us!

McLeod Athletic Park
Sunday, September 8th
11:00 AM


Brent Smith: Losing Your Head | Matthew 14:1-12

Are you willing to give the most precious thing you could for the cause of Christ—that being your life? Are you living and standing for the truth no matter the consequences? As believers living in a foreign place, we must not choose the easy way.

Brent Smith: Parables of Great Worth | Matthew 13:44-58

We continue looking at the rest of the Kingdom Parables as we finish up Matthew 13. We’ll look at the last 4 of these Kingdom Parables today and we see with the first 3 that the kingdom will be made up of 3 groups of people: Israel, the Church, and Gentile nations.

Brent Smith: Tares, Mustard Seed and Leaven Parables | Matthew 13:24-43

These are Kingdom Parables because they’re revealing insights into this interim period between Jesus’ first coming and second coming. Many believed that when the Messiah came, then the Kingdom would obviously accompany Him. But Jesus is teaching that things are going to look very different than what was expected.

Brent Smith: Parables And Paradoxes | Matthew 13:1-23

Chapter 13 sets out to show the mystery of the Kingdom of God through these parables. He’s revealing a mystery – something that was once concealed but is now revealed. And the mystery is that Jesus is going to be at work during this interim period, this postponement of the kingdom, and it’s going to look very different than what people may have previously imagined.

Preaching Through The Bible

“We teach God’s Word each Sunday going through it verse by verse.”

2:7 Discipleship Classes

Course Duration: September – December 2024
In this series, you will complete exercises that strengthen your spiritual foundation through enriching Bible study, Scripture memory, and group interaction. This series is great for new believers and seasoned Christians alike. If you are interested in being a part of this, please register now as classes fill up fast.

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