Monday Evening Prayer
Join us every Monday night in the Sanctuary from 7-8 PM for an hour of prayer. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Tuesday Morning Prayer
We invite you to join us in prayer as we are led by the Holy Spirit. This Ministry is on Zoom only. Meeting ID: 899 468 982 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/899468982 Password: prayer
Chapel Service
Join us for chapel every Tuesday and Thursday with our RCA and Little Lighthouse children. Everyone in the church is invited to join!
Men’s Tuesday Bible Study
All guys are welcome to join in this Bible study!. We meet at 7 pm on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month in the Fellowship Hall. This study is open to all guys as we seek to grow as Men of God! This Ministry is also available on Zoom starting at 7:00pm: Zoom ID# 680 364 6826 New Password: biblestudy
Youth Group
Our Youth meet each Tuesday Night at 7pm for a time of fun and games, but more importantly to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is done through a time of worship and study through God’s Word. Our Youth Group is for grades 6-12. Click Here to Subscribe to our Newsletter
Women’s Wednesday Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study meeting day has changed to Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Our study this year will be the book of Daniel. All ladies are welcome. All women are invited to this Women’s Wednesday Bible Study led by Karen Chalmers. * Note: no childcare provided at this time. The Wednesday study is available in-person in the Sanctuary & on Zoom. Meeting ID: 854 4127 8920 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85441278920?pwd=SU5aTGJ1UWo3c2paWmw5dGJBME9nZz09 Password: 772708
Disability Ministry Siblings Group
SUPPORT GROUP DIFFERENT, BUT NOT LESS Join us for our siblings Support Group – as we walk together with everyone affected by disability. A place where we come together for fellowship and support those affected by disabilities and their caregivers; we hope to alleviate the loneliness, develop friendships, and get encouraged by the Word of God. Newcomers are welcome! To join the group in Church Center, Click Here Where: Room 105 Contact: Susanna Yip (604)-765-7328 or jsmayip@gmail.com
Disability Support Group
SUPPORT GROUP DIFFERENT, BUT NOT LESS Join us in the Fellowship Hall for the first meeting of the Support Group – as we walk together with everyone affected by disability. A place where we come together for fellowship and support those affected by disabilities and their caregivers; we hope to alleviate the loneliness, develop friendships, and get encouraged by the Word of God. Newcomers are welcome! To join the group in Church Center, Click Here Where: Fellowship Hall Contact: Susanna…
Midweek Service
Join us Wednesday night where we gather to reconnect and have a time of worship and study through God’s Word, currently in the Book of Exodus. See you then!
Young Adults
Come and gather together with other young adults as we explore Scripture, see how it applies to our lives today, and have some fun hanging out together. We meet every Thursday at 7 PM in the Sanctuary. For more events & hangout details, please join the RCC Young Adults Facebook Group!
Stitch & Hook
This is a great opportunity to learn how to crochet or knit, or if you know how to crochet or knit already, we encourage you to join and help support various charitable organizations by making blankets. Of course, you are welcome to bring your own projects to work on too! Stitch & Hook meets on the second Friday of each month at 10am.
Vietnamese Bible Study
A meeting of Riverside’s Vietnamese congregation for Bible Study and fellowship. For more details, please contact Mica at (604) 715-3874.