Brent Smith: Hindrances To Heaven | Matthew 19:23-30
Living for the pursuit of earthly treasures can be a hindrance to heaven, whereas living for the pursuit of Jesus brings riches eternally.
Brent Smith: The Rise and Fall of Samson Part 2 | Judges 15-16
We continue our study in the life of Samson. He’s an interesting study in contrasts. He had the power to subdue the Philistines, but he didn’t have the power to subdue the flesh. And we’ll see more of these things as we continue in the sad sordid saga of Samson.
Brent Smith: How To Have Eternal Life | Matthew 19:13-22
The way into the kingdom of heaven is open to all, but entrance in is a matter of the heart. Those with open hearts to receive Jesus are invited in, while those with obstructed hearts are hindered from receiving Him.
Brent Smith: Marriage, Divorce and Singleness | Matthew 19:1-12
God has clearly laid out the design and purpose of marriage, and our goal is to live this purpose out to His praise and glory.
Brent Smith: The Rise and Fall of Samson | Judges 13-14
Samson was a judge that showed great strength physically yet showed great weakness spiritually. He stands as a fitting picture of Israel as a whole.
Brent Smith: Dealing With Sin In The Church Properly | Matthew 18:15-35
Believers must be ready to confront sin, doing so with a desire for restoration, and a readiness to forgive.
Brent Smith: Measuring Greatness | Matthew 18:1-14
Greatness in the kingdom of God is measured by childlike humility, a desire to root out sin, and a concern for the salvation of others.
Randy Dyck: Jephthah: An Unlikely Hero of the Faith | Judges 11-12
Jephthah is a seemingly unlikely candidate to become the leader of Israel. God loves to use the most unlikely, most unqualified people to accomplish His will.
Cole Smith: A Matter of Faith | Matthew 17:14-27
When applying faith in your own life, It’s not about you! It genuinely needs to be about Jesus. Jesus doesn’t expect us to have it all figured out. He wants us to have faith in Him
Brent Smith: The Transfiguration | Matthew 16:24-17:13
Jesus wants us to count the cost of following Him. And we don’t follow Him to get our way or our wants met. We follow Him simply because He is the way!
Brent Smith: Abimelech’s Abysmal Actions | Judges 9-10
Our sin, though we might think can be handled and managed, will pose problems that go much further than we ever thought. It never pays to underestimate the harm of sin.
Brent Smith: Confessing Jesus As The Christ | Matthew 16:13-23
God’s will for us is that we believe in His Son. That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and that by faith in Him, we are saved and forgiven of our sins.