Youth: As a Youth Ministry, we are excited to take part, once again, in Light in the Night. This is an event we have done many times before as a church, where we aim to be a light for Jesus in our neighborhood, reaching out to the community around us. There will be carnival games, food, hot chocolate, candy, and more!
Riverside Families: While the Youth Ministry is spearheading this event, it is an all-church outreach, and we need volunteers from both Youth and the entire congregation.
Please sign up to volunteer by filling out this form: Volunteer Form Link.
Event Details
Event Location: The basketball courts by the church
Event Date/Time: October 31, 6:30 – 8:30 PM (plus set-up & tear down)
Candy Drive: We will be accepting donations of candy/chocolate bars from now until the event. Please drop off your donations at the church office during office hours or at church on any Sunday leading up to the event. Thank you!