Sermons on Leadership
Nehemiah 1-13
Wednesday Night Series: The Bible From 30,000 Feet
2 Chronicles 33:1-34:28 – The Two Paths Of Manasseh And Josiah
We take a look at two different kings – Manasseh and Josiah. Manasseh did wicked, but Josiah did what was right. Manasseh paid a price for his wickedness, but by God’s grace he eventually humbled himself and was restored. Josiah however prospered greatly for his devotion to God.
2 Chronicles 14 – Lord, It Is Nothing For You
Asa is the new king of Judah and he turns things around. He directs people back to the Lord and they are greatly blessed. As an army of a million soldiers comes against them, Asa has such confidence in the Lord, that he calls out and says, ‘Lord, it is nothing for you to help!’ We learn some great lessons and application for us today through Asa’s example.