

Brent Smith: Lord of the Sabbath | Matthew 12:1-14

The world and the devil would have us work even while we rest. Jesus would have us rest, even while we work. That’s how we can live out the Sabbath today. In all we do, rest in the work completed by Jesus, rest in the grace provided by Jesus, and experience the blessing of Sabbath.

Brent Smith: Yoked To Jesus | Matthew 11:20-30

Christians are called to yoke themselves to Jesus. It’s not always going to be easy, we’re not promised a life of comfort. But we’re to learn of Him and see that life with Him is far greater than anything apart from Him.

Brent Smith: What Have You Come To See? | Matthew 11:1-19

There are times we can begin doubting who Jesus is because we’re basing our conclusions on our own experiences when things aren’t going our way. We have an unhealthy expectation of what we think Jesus should be doing for us. But as you put your faith in Him, you will experience His goodness and life-giving grace.

Brent Smith: Called And Sent | Matthew 9:35-10:10

Jesus saw the people as sheep with no shepherd. The religious leaders should have been shepherding them, but they were like wolves preying upon them. The Good Shepherd was now in their midst, but the people needed to be aware of this and see their need for Him.

Brent Smith: Discipleship, Difficulties and Demons | Matthew 8:14-34

Jesus simply asks His disciples, ‘Why are you fearful?’ Now we can all think of at least a few reasons why fear might get the better of us. But though the storm is raging, Jesus is at rest. With Jesus in the boat, we don’t need to fear! Though trials will come, He will not let us drown. We need to take confidence in that.