Sermons from August 2023
Stadium Sunday 2023 | Riverside Calvary Chapel
Through His whole life and ministry, Jesus showed Himself a Friend of Sinners. Forgiveness is found in Him. There’s no amount of sin that His death cannot wipe out.
Self-Examination | 2 Corinthians 13:1-6
Christians are called to truly examine whether they are in the faith. A true follower of Christ will show evidence of a transformed life as they walk in a personal relationship with Jesus.
Righteousness Comes By Faith | Dale Baldwin
Guest speaker Dale Baldwin shares how righteousness comes by faith. Those who live by faith in God will follow after His ways despite oppression or criticism.
Paul’s Open Heart | 2 Corinthians 12:14-21
Though many Corinthians opposed Paul and caused him suffering, Paul continued to gladly serve them and share with them the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ. Despite their actions, these people mattered to God, just as you and I matter to God.