Brent Smith: Treasure In A Manger | Luke 2:19
Long after the visits, and adulations, Mary’s heart would remain full with what she has received. Many people had not yet comprehended the magnitude of this moment. Many had not yet realized this birth signified the revelation and salvation of God. But Mary’s heart was rich with what she had witnessed. What was it that Mary treasured up in her heart?
Stewart Karpiuk: The Word Became Flesh | John 1:14
The Word became flesh is the central truth of Christmas. Jesus humbled Himself by taking on human nature and lived among us. He saved mankind from sin through His atoning death on the cross. Do you believe in the Jesus of the Bible?
Bryan Pue: Revival | Revelation 2:18-29
Bryan teaches about the true meaning of revival in the church and our dire need for it in our churches today.
Brent Smith: The Sanctity of Life | Love Life
As we address these issues and talk about the sanctity of life, it’s important that we look to the source of all life – God! And we must look to what His Word, the Bible says.
Brent Smith: Why Do You Seek The Living Among The Dead? | Luke 24:1-12
Resurrection Sunday reveals the reality that Jesus is not merely a hero of the past, but Jesus is our living hope of the present! He’s alive today and forevermore! He’s the only One that has conquered the grave and He is the only One that can provide true life for us today and eternal life for us tomorrow.
Brent Smith: 7 Sayings From The Cross | Various Scriptures
As we look at what Jesus spoke from the cross, we begin to see why He was so ready to go to the cross. For it was on the cross that He revealed His heart and mission. We also see the anguish that sin caused, but the victory He was providing for us!
Our Heavenly Inheritance | 1 Peter 1:3-9
We have been given a new citizenship, and that citizenship is in heaven. We are simply just passing through on this earth. And this is given to us through Jesus Christ who died so that He may make us right with the Father and give us eternal life.
Religion Or Redemption| 2 Kings 5:1-14
Pastor Rob shares the importance of not putting our faith in religious rituals, but in the person Jesus Christ.
Prophecy Update 2024 | Riverside Calvary Chapel
Pastor Brent, Randy, and guest speaker Kade Hawkins take a look at various news and current events in Israel and around the world and the prophetic significance they carry.
Why We Support Israel | Various Scriptures
Pastor Brent explains why Riverside supports Israel. When we say we support Israel, we do so from a biblical position and understand that this is a nation that God has chosen for very specific purposes. If this is a nation that God has chosen and a nation He is not done with, then we’re going to support what God is doing! And we hope to make it clear from God’s Word why we hold this view.
The Perspective of Paul | Philippians 1:19-26
Paul lived solely to magnify Jesus Christ in every aspect of his life. To Him, to live is Christ and to die is gain. For to live is to preach the good news of Jesus and bring many more into the kingdom of God, but to die is to live eternity with the Saviour whom he loved. With what perspective are you living your life?
Stadium Sunday 2023 | Riverside Calvary Chapel
Through His whole life and ministry, Jesus showed Himself a Friend of Sinners. Forgiveness is found in Him. There’s no amount of sin that His death cannot wipe out.