Sermons on Christmas

Sermons on Christmas

Brent Smith: Treasure In A Manger | Luke 2:19

Long after the visits, and adulations, Mary’s heart would remain full with what she has received. Many people had not yet comprehended the magnitude of this moment. Many had not yet realized this birth signified the revelation and salvation of God. But Mary’s heart was rich with what she had witnessed. What was it that Mary treasured up in her heart?

The I Am’s of Christmas

Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus used 7 I Am statements to show His identity and purpose here on this earth. In this message we look at the correlation of these statements and the events surrounding His birth.

Luke 2:25-38 – Background Breakthrough

We’re familiar with the regular cast of Christmas, but we often forget about two people that appear in the early days around the birth of Christ – Simeon and Anna. We take a look at who they were, the significance of them, and what can be applied to us.
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