Brent Smith: The Rise and Fall of Samson Part 2 | Judges 15-16
We continue our study in the life of Samson. He’s an interesting study in contrasts. He had the power to subdue the Philistines, but he didn’t have the power to subdue the flesh. And we’ll see more of these things as we continue in the sad sordid saga of Samson.
Brent Smith: The Rise and Fall of Samson | Judges 13-14
Samson was a judge that showed great strength physically yet showed great weakness spiritually. He stands as a fitting picture of Israel as a whole.
Randy Dyck: Jephthah: An Unlikely Hero of the Faith | Judges 11-12
Jephthah is a seemingly unlikely candidate to become the leader of Israel. God loves to use the most unlikely, most unqualified people to accomplish His will.
Brent Smith: Abimelech’s Abysmal Actions | Judges 9-10
Our sin, though we might think can be handled and managed, will pose problems that go much further than we ever thought. It never pays to underestimate the harm of sin.
Brent Smith: Finishing Well or Finished? | Judges 8
Gideon seems more concerned with his reputation than the Lord’s. He was the biggest doubter of himself, but now it seems Gideon is intent on making a name for himself and doing things his way. Notice, the Lord is not mentioned anymore as the One guiding or directing Gideon.
Brent Smith: Gideon Goes To Battle | Judges 7
God doesn’t need large numbers or superstar leaders or the latest methods to accomplish His purposes. May we do for the Lord and through the Lord so that He gets all the glory.
Brent Smith: The Call of Gideon | Judges 6
When God calls us to do His will, He will also equip and empower us with the means to do so. Through the life of Gideon, we see that we may be unqualified for the job, but as we walk in obedience and trust, He is the One who does the work through us.
Randy Dyck: The Cycle of Sin | Judges 4-5
God can turn around even the worst situations in a day. He calls us to put our sins to death and trust in Him.
Brent Smith: The Vicious Cycle Begins| Judges 2:11-3:31
After Joshua, the Israelites drifted away from the Lord. They knew about God but had no interest in really serving God and Him alone. This led them down an unfortunate spiral of sin and the suffering it brings.
Brent Smith: A Preview and Perspective of Judges | Judges 1:1-2:10
Partial obedience amounts to disobedience. The consequences of a small compromise reached multiple generations. God wants our cooperation and partnership. He wants this to be our desire as well.