Sermons on Anxiety
Why Worry? | Matthew 6:25-34
Stop worrying about your little kingdom, and start living according to His Kingdom. Put your eternal rewards ahead of anything this world can offer. When you get your perspective straight, you’ll see that the things you’ve been worrying about really are quite small and insignificant in light of Him.
Be Strong In The Lord | Joshua 1:1-18
We are starting our new sermon series on the book of Joshua. Joshua was commissioned to lead the Israelites into the promised land after the death of Moses. He was commanded three times in this chapter to be strong and courageous. Though the task was daunting, he was reminded that the Lord was with him, so he only needed to obey in faith.
Philippians 4:1-9 – Rejoicing Through Worry
Sunday Morning Series: Letters From Prison
Matthew 6:25-34 – Stop Your Worrying
Sunday Morning Series: Sermon On The Mount