Recent Sermons (Page 41)

2 Chronicles 5:1-6:11 – More Precious Than Gold

Pete Jansen shares from 2 Chronicles as we look at the ark of the covenant being brought into the temple. There was a great processional taking place. Yet with all the glory and greatness of the temple, God wasn’t in these things. Did is the One who is to be worshiped and praised.

2 Chronicles 3-4 – Building A Home For God

We see Solomon moving from determining to build a house for God, to beginning to build the house of God. It’s one thing to determine, but we need to be diligent to do it. Solomon does just that. And we explore in this study the construction of the temple and the furnishings of the temple.

Ezekiel 6-9 – Sin Is Not A Trivial Matter

Ezekiel is given a word from the Lord to pronounce to Israel. Their sin of idolatry and rebellion has caught up to them and now judgment is upon them. They thought it was a trivial matter to be involved in these things. How about us? Do we view sin lightly or do we see the destruction it brings? We discuss these things in this study.

2 Chronicles 2 – Working Together

In this chapter we look at Solomon’s determination to build the temple. In order to do so he looks to others to help in the process. We are meant to operate in community. Together as the church we are the temple of God. We look at how this work Solomon set out to do relates to us working together as the church.

2 Chronicles 1 – Solomon’s Worship, Wisdom, & Wealth

2 Chronicles is an interesting historical book that is written with a fresh perspective. It’s written to give the returning captives from Babylon hope in what God has done, and hope in what God wants to continue to do in and through Israel. In this study we look at the beginning of Solomon’s reign and how he began with great faithfulness to God.

Ezekiel 1-2 – The Call And Commission Of Ezekiel

The beginning of Ezekiel gets into some very interesting stuff. Ezekiel is called by the Lord for a new role, but before Ezekiel gets serving, the Lord wants him to simply see Him more clearly. So Ezekiel is given an incredible heavenly vision. We break this down and look at what this is all about.