Recent Sermons (Page 45)

Psalms 112-115 – The Prerogative Of Praise

Over and over we see the call to Praise The Lord! And to do so from this time forth and forevermore. It’s the program of heaven. Are you a person of praise? This message will help encourage you to be one or continue in an attitude of praise in all things. Bible Text: Psalms 112:1-115:18

Psalms 110-111 – Why We Worship

Psalm 110 is the most quoted Old Testament passage in the New Testament. It’s a great reminder of who Jesus is. And in Psalm 111 we look at the motivation to worship. Bible Text: Psalms 110:1-111:10

Job 40-42 – The Restoration Of Job

God continues to show Job the wonders of His creation, displayed through two of His most magnificent beasts – the behemoth and leviathan. It gives Job a greater revelation of the greatness and sovereignty of God and of his own inadequacy to tell God what He should or shouldn’t do. In the end, Job will repent and be restored and given a better end to his life than the beginning. Bible Text: Job 40-42

Psalm 107 – God Our Deliverer

In this chapter we look at God’s faithful deliverance of His people out of various situations: the desert, darkness, distress, and disaster. It reminds us of how God has delivered us and how we should respond in thanks to His goodness. Bible Text: Psalm 107:1-43

Job 38-39 – Where Were You

Job finally gets his audience with God, but it goes much different than what he had imagined. Instead of God bringing an answer as to the why’s of his suffering, God appears simply as the Answer. Job doesn’t get information about his situation, he gets a revelation of the greatness of God. Bible Text: Job 38-39