Recent Sermons (Page 51)

The Foolish vs. The Righteous

Solomon gives many comparisons in this chapter between the foolish person and the righteous one. The righteous walk in God’s ways and enjoy blessing and happiness. The foolish go their own way and are heading toward disaster. Bible Text: Proverbs 29:1-27

Living To Praise God

Solomon begins this chapter addressing those who boast in what they’re going to do, and boasting in what they’ve done. But we shouldn’t be seeking praise for ourselves, rather our lives should be lived to praise God alone. Bible Text: Proverbs 27:1-27

Presenting Yourself Approved to God

Paul gave some great analogies and pictures to Timothy of what it looks like to live for God. In them we see some helpful instructions for us as well as we commit our lives to Christ. Bible Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-15

The Out Crowd

We look at a list of unsavoury characters in Proverbs 26. It’s a reminder of who to look out for and who we don’t want to be resembling in any way. Bible Text: Proverbs 26:1-28

Don’t Drift

Guest speaker Pastor Joel Turner from Mountain Springs Calvary Chapel shares a great message on the dangers of drifting and neglecting so great a salvation. Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1-3

Solomon’s Similitudes

In this new section of Proverbs, Solomon gives many comparisons to show what our life in Christ should be like. Bible Text: Proverbs 25:1-28

Ambassadors for Christ

Guest Speaker Emeal Zwayne from Living Waters shares on our need for evangelism and to make God known in and through our lives.

A Father to Son Chat

On this Father’s Day we continue our study through Proverbs and look at the insight and wisdom Solomon seeks to pass on to his son. Bible Text: Proverbs 23:12-24:34

The Life Worth Living

Solomon concludes his discourse on life under the sun. He’s been seeing that it’s all vanity when lived apart from God. But life is not meant to be empty. Life is meant to be enjoyed when lived God’s way. We look at the life worth living in our wrap up of Ecclesiastes. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 11-12
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Proverbs on Parenting & Profiting

We continue to look at Proverbs that speak into many areas of our lives, passing on wisdom that will help us to profit and prosper in life. Bible Text: Proverbs 22:1-23:11
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Planning, Pleasure, and Peace

The life of Wisdom is not a hard, mundane life. It’s a life recognizing that God’s ways are best. He’s the One in control, and we simply follow Him. When we do this we find it’s a life of pleasure and peace ultimately. Bible Text: Proverbs 21:1-31