Sermons by Randy Dyck
Randy Dyck: Jephthah: An Unlikely Hero of the Faith | Judges 11-12
Jephthah is a seemingly unlikely candidate to become the leader of Israel. God loves to use the most unlikely, most unqualified people to accomplish His will.
Randy Dyck: The Cycle of Sin | Judges 4-5
God can turn around even the worst situations in a day. He calls us to put our sins to death and trust in Him.
Unity Among The Brethren | Joshua 21-22
As believers, we are not to act on hearsay but to seek the truth in love. Be slow to anger and quick to forgive. Look for every opportunity to live out the character of Christ.
Prophecy Update 2024 | Riverside Calvary Chapel
Pastor Brent, Randy, and guest speaker Kade Hawkins take a look at various news and current events in Israel and around the world and the prophetic significance they carry.
The Lord Loves A Cheerful Giver | 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
God desires that we give cheerfully because His Word says that all we have is already from the Lord. When we give, we are acknowledging that our life is an offering to the Lord; we can trust God to provide for His people.
Prophecy Update 2023
We take a look at various news and current events in the world and the prophetic significance they carry.
The Greatest Gift | Luke 1:26-38
We continue our Sunday series through the Christmas story.
Liberty Overruled By Love For The Brethren | 1 Corinthians 8
We continue our Sunday series through the books of 1+2 Corinthians. Paul responds to questions concerning food sacrificed to idols.
Matthew 13:44-50 – The Parable of the Hidden Treasure, Pearl and Dragnet
Sunday Morning Series: The Parables of Jesus
Questions and Answers Sunday
Sunday Morning Series: Q+A Panel
Prophecy Update
Sunday Morning Service: Prophecy Update
Matthew 7:13-29 – The Narrow Way
Sunday Morning Series: The Sermon On The Mount