Recent Sermons (Page 53)

The Vanity of Religion & Riches

Solomon contemplates the insincerity he saw of those coming to the temple to worship and who were simply going through the motions. Then he turns to wealth to show that living for these things cannot satisfy. Religion and Riches are both vanity if we don’t have a heart first for God. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 5-6
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The Right Way

The contrast between the wise and the foolish continues in this chapter. It’s clear that there’s a right way and a wrong way, one that leads to life and one that leads to death. Bible Text: Proverbs 14:1-35
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The Fruit of Living Wise

We continue to look at a number of comparisons between the wise and the foolish. In this chapter, the wise enjoy a number of blessings from living righteously. Bible Text: Proverbs 13:1-25

When Life Feels Monotonous

Solomon battles with the never changing cycles of life. Everything just seems to flow along without change. He’s looking at things from a strictly human point of view. But when he begins to bring God into the equation he begins to see the beauty in these things. He has made all things beautiful in their time. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 3-4
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Words, Work, and Wisdom

In this study in Proverbs we look at the contrast between the righteous and the wicked and discuss their words, work, and exercise of wisdom among other things. Bible Text: Proverbs 12:1-28

Grasping For The Wind

Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes to reveal his findings as he lived life ‘under the sun’ or, for this world and apart from God. He found that it was all vanity – grasping for the wind. Only God brings any measure of pleasure and satisfaction. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 1-2

Idle Tales?

Surprisingly, news of the empty tomb was not received by the followers of Jesus. They took it as idle tales. Do we see the importance of the resurrection of Jesus in our lives today? Is the truth of it as idle tales to us? We look at the reality of the empty tomb and what it means for us today. Bible Text: Luke 24:1-11; John 20:1-9

Palm Sunday Breakthrough

In this message we look at the first Palm Sunday – the Triumphal Entry of Jesus, and compare it with the Triumphal Entry yet to come!
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Return And Be Restored

Jeremiah surveys the extensive damage caused by the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem and eventual overthrow. People are hurting and reeling. It’s the consequences of sin ultimately. But the Lord’s heart is always to bring restoration and healing, which He will do when we return to Him. Bible Text: Lamentations 4-5