Recent Sermons (Page 62)

Things I Wish I Was Taught 1

Kurtis Kube takes us through several important topics regarding theology and our relationship with God. This series is sure to give you a solid Biblical Worldview.

Contending For The Faith – part 2

In the midst of apostasy and false teachers, what are we called to do? Jude says to not only contend for the faith, but to keep yourselves in the love of God. What does that mean and how do we do that? Listen in as we look more closely at this. Bible Text: Jude 8-25

3 John – Three Men and a Church

In John’s final epistle, we get a view into the dynamics of an early church. In so doing we see the good and the bad. Sadly, wherever people are involved, the potential for problems are there. In this study we take a look at three different men mentioned by John and we see some examples to follow, and some to avoid. Bible Text: 3 John

Contending For The Faith – part 1

Jude writes to combat apostates – those who were creeping into the church with a corrupted gospel. He was writing in a day much like ours where people preferred tolerance over truth. Jude’s word to the church is as relevant today as it was then – contend for the faith. Bible Text: Jude 1-7

2 John – Truth or Consequences

John writes his second epistle to encourage believers to continue on walking in truth. We can say we have great knowledge, but is it showing in how we walk? Many were on the scene that had walked away from the truth and their intent was to lead others astray. May we be careful not to stray from that which we have received in Jesus Christ and His Word. Bible Text: 2 John

1 John 5:14-21 – What Do You Know?

As John wraps up his letter, he repeats the phrase ‘we know’ several times. His desire is for his readers to understand what they have in Christ. So as we finish our study in 1 John we look at what we know as believers. Bible Text: 1 John 5:14-21

The Working of the Holy Spirit

What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit? What does the Bible say about His role in the world today? We examine the third person of the Trinity in this study as we look at the work of the Holy Spirit.

1 John 4:20-5:13 – Marks Of A Christian

Many things look very similar, yet there are distinctions that set them apart. John has been laying our for us the things that separate the child of God, and the child of the devil. There should obviously be differing and distinct characteristics between the two. In this message we look at a few things that John points out as some marks of a Christian. Bible Text: 1 John 4:20-5:13

Acts 28 – Rome At Last

All through Paul’s ministry, as seen in this chapter, God preserved Paul by His power and enabled him to preach to the end. The progress of the gospel would not be hindered. May that still be said today! Bible Text: Acts 28:1-31

1 John 4:12-19 – Love Perfected

We’ve been seeing how God’s love is proclaimed in the Word and proven at the Cross, but now we see that God’s love is perfected in believers. Those believers who abide in God will find God’s love being perfected in their lives. Bible Text: 1 John 4:12-19

Acts 27 – Staying Safe In Storms

Paul is on his way to Rome, but this is no Mediterranean cruise. There’s some rough waters that Paul and the crew must navigate. But in this we see that God is ultimately in control. God will bring them to safety – but the key is to stay in the ship. Bible Text: Acts 27:1-44

1 John 4:1-11 – Test All Things

John warns his listeners to test the spirits. There are those who are children of God and those that are children of the devil. And there are those that are attempting to come into the church to change or corrupt the truth. So it becomes important that we examine what is being said and done. Test all things! Bible Text: 1 John 4:1-11