Recent Sermons (Page 72)

Micah 6-7

Micah gives his third and final message to Israel. In so doing he reveals the guilt of Israel but finishes with the grace of God! The Lord is not going to destroy Israel but will rather deliver them completely in a future day. Bible Text: Micah 6:1-7:20

The Growth of Faith

In this study we encounter the incredible power of Jesus Christ in feeding the 5,000 and then in coming to His disciples during a storm – walking on water. These are opportunities that the Lord gives to grow the disciples faith. And He does the same in our lives – bringing us through difficult times so as to display His greatness to grow our faith. Bible Text: Mark 6:30-56

Faith or Faithless?

Jesus travels down to His hometown of Nazareth where He’s met with great unbelief. Faith is important to Jesus, and throughout the chapter we’re confronted with people who have the opportunity to believe or not believe. Bible Text: Mark 6:1-29

Micah’s Second Message

Micah delivers his second message to Israel confronting the sin of the leaders. But in God’s graciousness and mercy, we see the hope for Israel as God has future plans for the nation. Bible Text: Micah 3:1-4:13

Only Believe

Jesus comes back to the other side of the Galilee to a large reception. The crowds are mounting and pressing in around Him. One man begs of Jesus to heal his 12 year old daughter lying at death’s door. Another woman approaches Jesus to be healed of a 12 year old condition. In this passage Jesus reveals the power He has over disease and death. And in all situations we encounter, He would say: ‘Only believe’. Bible Text: Mark 5:21-43

Micah Prophecies to Israel and Judah

Micah is dealing with a people and a time where they felt everything was going well. But in their comfort and contentment they became very complacent. They began to ignore the commands of God and devise ways to sin – judgment was imminent. Micah records three sermons preached to Israel and Judah to warn them and to call them to repentance. But all through Micah we see that although God must deal with sin, He loves mercy and will ultimately restore Israel. Bible Text: Micah 1:1-2:13

Demonic Deliverance

As Jesus and His disciples cross over the sea of Galilee, they’re met by a man possessed with many demons. We see that the devil and his power is real, that his intent is destruction, but that Jesus is all together greater and the final authority and power! This is a great account of the power, grace and love of Jesus to bring people into newness of life. Bible Text: Mark 5:1-20

The Kingdom Parables

The parable of the lamp, the parable of the growing seed, and the parable of the mustard seed. Bible Text: Mark 4:21-34

Resurrection Sunday

Without the resurrection of Jesus, our faith would be futile. Brandon Dyck takes us through this most glorious of events and shows us how Jesus validated His work through His resurrection. Bible Text: Matthew 28:1-10

The 7 Sayings From The Cross

Jesus went to the cross willingly to save us of our sin. As He hung there He spoke 7 times. It revealed His heart and His mission. Follow along as we look at what was said and why.