Sermons on Ecclesiastes

Sermons on Ecclesiastes


The Life Worth Living

Solomon concludes his discourse on life under the sun. He’s been seeing that it’s all vanity when lived apart from God. But life is not meant to be empty. Life is meant to be enjoyed when lived God’s way. We look at the life worth living in our wrap up of Ecclesiastes. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 11-12

What’s The Point Of It All?

Solomon returns to a previous thought and concern – death. It seems that whatever anyone does, or how they live, it all results in the same conclusion, everyone dies and then that’s it. What’s the point of it all? This is Solomon’s question as he lives life under the sun and apart from God. Tonight we look at where Solomon is wrong and the hope we do have in Jesus! Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 9:1-10:20

The Balanced Life

Solomon takes us through a number of scenarios we could experience. His ‘under the sun’ outlook causes him to view these things without much extreme. But is that all we’re relegated to do? The balanced life doesn’t come from not being to happy or not being too sad, the balanced life comes from living for Christ. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 7-8

The Vanity of Religion & Riches

Solomon contemplates the insincerity he saw of those coming to the temple to worship and who were simply going through the motions. Then he turns to wealth to show that living for these things cannot satisfy. Religion and Riches are both vanity if we don’t have a heart first for God. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 5-6

When Life Feels Monotonous

Solomon battles with the never changing cycles of life. Everything just seems to flow along without change. He’s looking at things from a strictly human point of view. But when he begins to bring God into the equation he begins to see the beauty in these things. He has made all things beautiful in their time. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 3-4

Grasping For The Wind

Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes to reveal his findings as he lived life ‘under the sun’ or, for this world and apart from God. He found that it was all vanity – grasping for the wind. Only God brings any measure of pleasure and satisfaction. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 1-2