Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 58)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 58)

Divorce Debate

As Jesus makes His way to Jerusalem, He’s confronted again by the Pharisees who have a question for Him. The question is nothing more than a trap, nevertheless, it’s a question many battle with today – is divorce ok? What does the Bible say about it? That’s what we look at today. Bible Text: Mark 10:1-12

The Road To Greatness

As Jesus makes His way to Jerusalem and the cross, He begins to focus in on teaching His disciples what this truly meant. They were still not understanding as is evidenced with their dispute over who would be the greatest in the Kingdom. Jesus provides a revolutionary answer that would have been a little surprising to the disciples. Bible Text: Mark 9:30-50

Mountains and Valleys

Jesus takes His inner 3 guys – Peter, James and John – up on a mount where Jesus is transfigures, He reveals His glory. Though He has been talking about His death, and the need for His disciples to take up their cross, death would not be the end. Glory is awaiting all those that give their lives away. And this mountain top experience is meant to prepare them for what awaits in the valley. Bible Text: Mark 9:1-29

Dying To Live!

As the disciples are being brought along in their faith, Jesus drops a bombshell on them – that He’s going to suffer, die and rise again. This came as a shock to the disciples who were expecting a strong, political leader in their Messiah. But Jesus presents a kingdom paradox – the way to live is to die. Not only would a cross be in His future, but a cross awaits all those who are true followers of Christ. Have you taken up your cross? Bible Text: Mark 8:22-38

Slow Learners

Jesus is looking to lead His disciples to a greater understanding of who He is. He’s seeking to grow their faith and see them mature, but it is a slow process – just like the disciples we can be slow learners. But thankfully, Jesus is patient, and gives us many opportunities to see His greatness and grow our faith! Bible Text: Mark 8:1-21

Out Of The Box – part 2

Jesus continues to break down the religious barriers as He ventures outside of Israel to Gentile territory and does a great work blessing those who were typically rejected by Jews. There is great freedom and acceptance in Christ! Bible Text: Mark 7:24-37

Out Of The Box – part 1

Jesus is confronted by some religious leaders over His disciples not following in the traditions passed down by their elders. Yet it’s Jesus who confronts them with the futility of upholding their tradition above the Word of God. It’s not what we do on the outside that makes us clean, but rather what’s going on in the inside. Jesus is causing people to look outside of the box of religion to consider what really matters before God. Bible Text: Mark 7:1-23

Micah 6-7

Micah gives his third and final message to Israel. In so doing he reveals the guilt of Israel but finishes with the grace of God! The Lord is not going to destroy Israel but will rather deliver them completely in a future day. Bible Text: Micah 6:1-7:20

The Growth of Faith

In this study we encounter the incredible power of Jesus Christ in feeding the 5,000 and then in coming to His disciples during a storm – walking on water. These are opportunities that the Lord gives to grow the disciples faith. And He does the same in our lives – bringing us through difficult times so as to display His greatness to grow our faith. Bible Text: Mark 6:30-56

Faith or Faithless?

Jesus travels down to His hometown of Nazareth where He’s met with great unbelief. Faith is important to Jesus, and throughout the chapter we’re confronted with people who have the opportunity to believe or not believe. Bible Text: Mark 6:1-29

Micah’s Second Message

Micah delivers his second message to Israel confronting the sin of the leaders. But in God’s graciousness and mercy, we see the hope for Israel as God has future plans for the nation. Bible Text: Micah 3:1-4:13