Sermons on Justification
Galatians 5:1-6 – Stand Fast In Freedom
Paul has been in a battle for truth and has been showing his Galatian readers that the only way to be right with God is through faith in Jesus’ work done for you. And this chapter begins with an important statement to hold your ground in grace. Don’t be swayed. Stand fast!
Galatians 3:1-14 – The Just By Faith LIVE
Do you ever feel like you need to add something in order to be right with God? We know Jesus saves us, but do you ever think that you need to perfect yourself? Paul challenges those thinking this way and reminds us that the just will live by faith!
Galatians 1:18-2:16 – Standing For The Truth
Paul is battling against false brethren that thought they knew the way to live before God, but they were missing it. They were adding to the work of Jesus! Paul stands up for the importance of grace and continues to proclaim the gospel of Jesus alone.
Romans 5:5-11 – The Joy of Justification part 2
We finish up looking at the blessings that come from being justified. These truths are reasons for great joy!
Romans 5:1-5 – The Joy of Justification
After Paul has gone through the fact that we have been justified by faith, he now points us to the wonderful benefits that come from being justified and right with God.
Bible Text: Romans 5:1-5