Recent Sermons (Page 40)

2 Chronicles 11 – Fighting The Right Fight

How do you respond when things aren’t going your way? Do you seek to do battle in the flesh, or do you walk in the Spirit and trust the Lord? Rehoboam was ready to fight in the flesh and go against his own brethren until the Lord stopped him. We have to be led of the Lord and sure that we’re not fighting the wrong fight.

Matthew 28:1-8 – Come And See

We take a look at the Resurrection account through the lens of the critic. Many try and disprove the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but is it as simple as they say? We look at the various evidence to show we shouldn’t be fooled into thinking the resurrection never happened.

2 Chronicles – 8:12-9:31 – Solomon’s Conclusion

In this study we look at the summary of Solomon’s life. He did a great work for the Lord and advanced the kingdom of Israel, but what God really wanted was his heart. Solomon operated with a divided heart. He compromised and it led to a great downfall. We look at the conclusion that Solomon came to as he looked over all his accomplishments and assets.

Ezekiel 10-12 – Glory Gone

As Ezekiel continues to see the sin and rebellion taking place in Jerusalem, God shows him that His glory is departing not only the temple, but Jerusalem itself. They had taken God for granted and now they will experience the devastating aftermath of His presence taken away. A somber warning for us to not take the Lord’s presence for granted. We’ve been invited in to enjoy fellowship. May we continue in that.

2 Chronicles 7:1-8:11 – Conditions For Renewal

The Lord comes and responds to Solomon after his great prayer at the dedication of the temple. And the Lord lays out some specific actions for the people that will bring about forgiveness and healing. They are key to revival and renewal. Listen in as we see what they are.