Recent Sermons (Page 44)

Galatians 1:18-2:16 – Standing For The Truth

Paul is battling against false brethren that thought they knew the way to live before God, but they were missing it. They were adding to the work of Jesus! Paul stands up for the importance of grace and continues to proclaim the gospel of Jesus alone.

1 Chronicles 10-11 – Saul’s Downfall, David’s Triumph

We take a brief look at the end of Saul’s life, and the reason for his downfall, before moving on to the major subject of the book of 1 Chronicles – David. David and the rise of his kingdom is the main focus of this book. What made David so much more successful than Saul? We’ll see what God’s Word has to say about that in this study.

Galatians 1:6-17 – No Other Gospel

Paul challenges the churches to accept no other gospel – regardless of the source. The messenger doesn’t validate the message, the message validates the messenger. And the gospel message is not something to be tampered with. It is complete and we are complete when we hold fast to it.

1 Chronicles 1-9 – Where Do I Belong

We begin our journey through 1+2 Chronicles by looking at the various genealogies of Israel and key figures within their history. It’s a fitting reminder for those returning out of Babylonian Captivity that God has not forgotten about them and still has a plan for them.

Psalms 125-128 – Songs Of Ascent 2

We continue looking at the section known as the Psalms of Ascent. These were Psalms recited by the Jews as they made their way to Jerusalem to celebrate the three main annual feasts. They sang with excitement and joy as they anticipated worshipping God.

Psalms 120-124 – Songs Of Ascent

We get into the first part of this section known as the Psalms of Ascent. These were songs sung as the Jews made their way up to Jerusalem for their major feasts. On their way they would look to the Lord in anticipation and praise.