Recent Sermons (Page 47)

Job 25-30 – God’s Wisdom and Job’s Wonder

In this section both Bildad and Job share on the greatness of God. But only Job rightly understands that the greatness of God really reveals how little we know of Him. His ways are beyond finding out. Bible Text: Job 25-30

Romans 13:8-14 – Love Supreme

There’s one thing that is paramount for the believer – love. We are to love God and love others. We look at what this love looks like and how we should be motivated to love like this based on the times in which we live. Bible Text: Romans 13:8-14

Job 15-19 – Battling Through Adversity

Job continues to get an earful from his friends that was of no help or value to Job. These friends didn’t have the full picture of what God was doing and their judgment was off. But Job was able to look beyond that and know the hope that lay ahead. He had a Redeemer, and one day he would see God in the flesh! May this reality keep us persevering through the hard times. Bible Text: Job 15-19

Job 16-17

Pete Jansen continues in our Wednesday night study of the book of Job. Bible Text: Job 16-17

Job 10-14 – How To Misapply Truth

We continue to look at the conversation between Job and his friends. They have been wrongly accusing Job, saying there must be sin in his life. This is why he is suffering. We’ll see what they have to say and how Job responds. Bible Text: Job 10:1-14:22