Recent Sermons (Page 61)
Jeremiah Study

Broken & Backslidden

Jeremiah begins his prophetic ministry as he calls out to those in Jerusalem and Judah. Many vivid pictures and images are given as a comparison to their waywardness and rebellion. We see Judah as an unfaithful wife, a broken cistern, a wild animal to name a few. Yet in all of this we see God’s gracious mercy calling them to repent and return back to Him. Bible Text: Jeremiah 2:1-3:25

The World’s Best Job

On this Valentine’s weekend, guest speaker Jeff Johnson shares some important truths and tools for maintaining a healthy marriage. Bible Text: Ephesians 5:25-27
Revelation Slide

Revelation 2:8-17 – The Church in Smyrna and Pergamos

The people in Smyrna were facing great trial and persecution. But they were told to not fear any of these things, for they will receive a crown of life. It’s comforting to know that whatever we may endure here in life has eternal value. The people in Pergamos however allowed a lot of compromise in the church. And if they weren’t careful they would experience something much different. Bible Text: Revelation 2:8-17

Things I Wish I Was Taught 5

Kurtis Kube takes us through several important topics regarding theology and our relationship with God. This series is sure to give you a solid Biblical Worldview.
Revelation Slide

Revelation 2:1-7 – The Church in Ephesus

Revelation 2 begins a look at 7 churches in Asia Minor that had their ups and downs. These were real churches in existence at the time John wrote the book of Revelation but there’s definitely some things we can learn from their example. Listen in to see the good and bad with the church at Ephesus. Bible Text: Revelation 2:1-7

Things I Wish I Was Taught 4

Kurtis Kube takes us through several important topic regarding theology and our relationship with God. This series is sure to give you a solid Biblical Worldview.
Revelation Slide

Revelation 1:9-20 – A Glimpse of the Glorified Christ

John is given an incredible opportunity to see Jesus. But John has seen Jesus before, he’s been with Jesus, ate with Jesus. However, this time it’s different. John sees not only the resurrected Christ, he sees Him in all His glory and majesty. And John is overwhelmed and falls down at His feet. May we be in awe as we look to Jesus, and may we see Him in all His glory! Bible Text: Revelation 1:9-20

Things I Wish I Was Taught 3

Kurtis Kube takes us through several important topics regarding theology and our relationship with God. This series is sure to give you a solid Biblical Worldview.
Revelation Slide

Revelation 1:4-8 – The Alpha and Omega

As John greets the churches that he is writing to, he gives a great declaration of the Trinity. In so doing we see characteristics of the Godhead, culminating in the great statement of Jesus as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. What does that mean to us? Listen in and see. Bible Text: Revelation 1:4-8

Things I Wish I Was Taught 2

Kurtis Kube takes us through several important topics regarding theology and our relationship with God. This series is sure to give you a solid Biblical Worldview.
Revelation Slide

Revelation 1:1-3 – Intro to Revelation

Revelation is taken from the Greek word ‘Apokalypsis’, meaning unveiling, or to uncover. That’s what this book is all about – the unveiling of Jesus Christ in all His glory. Join in with this series as we take a look at Jesus, the church, and things to come. Bible Text: Revelation 1:1-3