Recent Sermons (Page 70)

Panicked or Praying?

In this passage we look at the Proud, the Praying, and the Panicked. In the midst of overconfidence and panic, Jesus teaches the importance of prayer. It’s a crucial time in Jesus’ life as He prepares for the cross, yet He takes time to go the Father. A priority that should be followed in every believer. Bible Text: Mark 14:27-52

Worshipping and Witnessing

Habakkuk was taken from the valley, to the watchtower, now he’s up on the mountaintop as he learns the value of waiting on, and trusting in the Lord. Here in chapter 3 we see Habakkuk praising God for His past faithfulness and seeing how the Lord has everything presently under control. Bible Text: Habakkuk 3:1-19

Passover Plotting & Preparing

As Jesus prepares to lay His life down on the cross during Passover, we look at the plotting taking place and the preparation being done for His sacrifice. It’s a contrast between the evil work of His enemies, and the loving devotion of those who truly believe in Him. Mark 14:1-26

Watching and Waiting

After Habakkuk questions God and wonders why He isn’t doing something about the mess they were in, He now turns to the Lord to wait and hear from Him. Often times we miss out on seeing what God is doing because we frantically run ahead attempting to fix everything. Habakkuk gives us a great example when we’re tempted to do just that. Bible Text: Habakkuk 2:1-20

Valley of Dry Bones

Israel Tour Recap. God is not done with Israel – there is still a future and a hope for God’s people.

Wondering and Wrestling

Habakkuk was troubled with what he was seeing around him and he wondered why God wasn’t acting? Shouldn’t God be taking care of this? Sound familiar? Ever feel like that? In the book of Habakkuk we find a wonderful reminder that we are to trust God – have our faith completely in Him. For even if we don’t realize it, He is at work! Bible Text: Habakkuk 1:1-17

Quarreling Questions – part 2

Jesus continues on fielding questions from the religious establishment, but in our passage here, He turns things around on them. A question is sent their way to expand their thinking on who Jesus is. We can’t limit who God is. Bible Text: Mark 12:28-44

Nineveh’s Going Down!

The book of Nahum stands somewhat as a sequel to Jonah. Jonah saw great revival in Nineveh, but now some 100 years later they have slipped back into their sinful, rebellious ways. Nahum comes now with a word of warning against Nineveh that judgment is coming. It’s a reminder for us that revival and repentance must be an ongoing work in our lives. Bible Text: Nahum 1:1-3:19

Quarrelling Questions

Ever been asked a question where you know the person is not looking for truth, but rather to try and corner you? This is what’s happening as the religious leaders amp up their attack against Jesus and try and find a fault or accusation against Him. They come up with 3 questions that they think will trap Him. But Jesus is to wise, and gives them, and us, a great answer to things that are a concern for us today as well. Bible Text: Mark 12:13-27

The Parable of the Vineyard

As the religious leaders continue to critique and question Jesus, He shares with them a story that reveals what God has done for them, and how they themselves have handled it. It’s the gospel message wrapped up in a great parable. Have you rejected or received Jesus? Bible Text: Mark 12:1-12