Proverbs (Page 3)

Proverbs (Page 3)

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Sin’s Seductive Power

Once more we look at Solomon’s instruction to his son to take in and treasure God’s Word. This will keep him (and us) from falling prey to the pull of sin. Solomon illustrates how easy sin can lure us in if we’re not wising up to it. Bible Text: Proverbs 7:1-27
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Avoiding Pitfalls

In this chapter Solomon lays out some practical warnings to his son, and they’re lessons that everyone should heed to avoid various pitfalls in life. Bible Text: Proverbs 6:1-35
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Buyer Beware

Solomon gives a very strong warning to his son in this chapter to beware of sin – specifically sexual sin. Though it can seem very enticing, it will leave you devastated. Sin can never deliver on what it promises you. Bible Text: Proverbs 5:1-23
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The Good Life

In this study we see how the life of wisdom brings the blessed life. Wisdom is greater than the richest treasure, and adds quality to life. It is something definitely worth attaining. Bible Text: Proverbs 3:13-4:27
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Instructions & Rewards

In this passage we look at the instruction given to live a life of wisdom, as well as the rewards that follow when these instructions are lived out. Bible Text: Proverbs 3:1-12
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Wisdom is Calling

Not only is wisdom available and being offered to all, we see that there is an invaluable treasure awaiting all those that seek it. Bible Text: Proverbs 1:20-2:22
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Purpose of Proverbs

We open up the book of Proverbs and take a look at why it’s written and what it has to say for us today! Bible Text: Proverbs 1:1-19