

Our Heavenly Inheritance | 1 Peter 1:3-9

We have been given a new citizenship, and that citizenship is in heaven. We are simply just passing through on this earth. And this is given to us through Jesus Christ who died so that He may make us right with the Father and give us eternal life.

Why We Support Israel | Various Scriptures

Pastor Brent explains why Riverside supports Israel. When we say we support Israel, we do so from a biblical position and understand that this is a nation that God has chosen for very specific purposes. If this is a nation that God has chosen and a nation He is not done with, then we’re going to support what God is doing! And we hope to make it clear from God’s Word why we hold this view.

The Perspective of Paul | Philippians 1:19-26

Paul lived solely to magnify Jesus Christ in every aspect of his life. To Him, to live is Christ and to die is gain. For to live is to preach the good news of Jesus and bring many more into the kingdom of God, but to die is to live eternity with the Saviour whom he loved. With what perspective are you living your life?

What Happened On That Cross? | Rob Lee

Pastor Rob takes us through what really happened on that cross and how Christians are to live by the grace of God given to us through belief in the death of Jesus Christ for us.