Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 31)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 31)

2 Chronicles 26-27 – Uzziah’s Pride

King Uzziah begins well in his reign, but soon began to think he was the reason for his success. He became prideful and overstepped his boundaries. And the Lord had to deal with Him by some interesting means. It’s a reminder for us that God is our strength, and He should get all the glory for all we do.

Ezekiel 32-35 – The Word And The Watchman

Ezekiel continues to prophecy against the nations around Israel who were feeling strong and secure. But because of their pride, God will humble them. And God reminds Ezekiel that his role is to be a watchman, warning people repent and turn to the Lord and experience His grace.

2 Chronicles 25 – Having A Loyal Heart

King Amaziah comes on to the scene and it says he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a loyal heart. And that made all the difference in the world. He was led into compromise and eventually puffed up with pride. A divided heart will lead you into unnecessary trouble.

Ezekiel 28-31 – The Problem Of Pride

We continue to look at a couple nations surrounding Israel that were soon going to feel the hand of the Lord against them. Their common struggle was that of pride. They began to consider themselves a god rather than rely on the One True God. And thinks won’t work out so well for them.

2 Chronicles 21-22 – Two Kings And A Queen

Jehoram and then Ahaziah reign in Judah and they continue to carry out wickedness and suffer in the process. And then Ahaziah’s mother, Athaliah, steps to the throne after wiping out all but one of her grandchildren. Ruthless practices that will not bring about any kind of blessing or benefit.

Ezekiel 24-27 – Time’s Up

Ezekiel is called to give a parable of a cooking pot with meat in it over an open fire. This all symbolized the Babylonian siege against Jerusalem. God had given His people time to repent but they were unwilling. It was now time to show them that the heat was getting turned up. And not only for Judah, but for the surrounding nations that laughed at Jerusalem’s demise.

2 Chronicles 20:13-37 – Let The Lord Fight Your Battles

As Judah sees the enemy approaching, God has an amazing word for them: “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” We often forget that God is for us, and if God is for us who can be against us. Do we rest in that truth or do we frantically try to fight opposition on our own?

2 Chronicles 18:18-20:12 – God Is In Control

Often times when we experience battles and problems, we can tend to freak out a little over it. We get fixated on the difficulties and fear sets in. What we need to realize is that God is in control. We need to get our eyes on Him and trust Him in each situation. We see the example of that so clearly in this study of 2 Chronicles.

Ezekiel 20:45-23:49 – Silver Or Dross?

Judah is being exposed once more to their great sins and the reason why God would bring the Babylonians against them as judgment. One picture God gives is that of a furnace that would melt all the metal ore where the dross would come to the top. And the Lord would have to scrape away all those impurities. Judah was to be like precious silver, but instead they had become like the impure dross.

2 Chronicles 17:1-18:17 – Jehoshaphat’s Juxtaposition

Jehoshaphat comes onto the scene as Judah’s next king. He too is a Godly king who brings great reforms. But he ends up entering into an alliance with evil king Ahab of Israel. The two are like oil and water, they don’t mix. We’ll look at a number of lessons to be learned from their lives.

2 Chronicles 15-16 – Stay Strong In The Lord

Asa is given a great exhortation: “be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!” That’s hard to do, but it simply requires living dependent lives in Jesus. We learn the importance of staying dependent on the Lord and remaining strong in Him.