Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 41)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 41)

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Proverbs on Parenting & Profiting

We continue to look at Proverbs that speak into many areas of our lives, passing on wisdom that will help us to profit and prosper in life. Bible Text: Proverbs 22:1-23:11
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Planning, Pleasure, and Peace

The life of Wisdom is not a hard, mundane life. It’s a life recognizing that God’s ways are best. He’s the One in control, and we simply follow Him. When we do this we find it’s a life of pleasure and peace ultimately. Bible Text: Proverbs 21:1-31

What’s The Point Of It All?

Solomon returns to a previous thought and concern – death. It seems that whatever anyone does, or how they live, it all results in the same conclusion, everyone dies and then that’s it. What’s the point of it all? This is Solomon’s question as he lives life under the sun and apart from God. Tonight we look at where Solomon is wrong and the hope we do have in Jesus! Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 9:1-10:20
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Choosing Wise Ways

We look at a number of choices available to us in life. How we respond in those situations reveal the wisdom we are walking in or the wisdom we are neglecting. Bible Text: Proverbs 20:1-30
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The Satisfying Life

We look at a number of key points in this chapter, but one thing really emerges: wisdom, obedience, and the fear of the Lord leads to the satisfying life. Bible Text: Proverbs 19:1-29
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Mastering the Mouth

Proverbs talks a great deal about guarding our tongue. Our mouth can get us into a lot of trouble, or it can be of great blessing. This chapter will speak into this truth. Bible Text: Proverbs 18:1-24

The Balanced Life

Solomon takes us through a number of scenarios we could experience. His ‘under the sun’ outlook causes him to view these things without much extreme. But is that all we’re relegated to do? The balanced life doesn’t come from not being to happy or not being too sad, the balanced life comes from living for Christ. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 7-8
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A Guide to Guidance

In Proverbs 16 we look at the Sovereignty of God among other things. What does the Sovereignty of God mean and how does it affect my life? Listen in as we discuss this important theme. Bible Text: Proverbs 16:1-33
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Using Wise Words

Proverbs 15 deals with a recurring theme of using wise words. How we say what we say and when we say it, really does matter. We look at the action taken behind the life of wisdom. Bible Text: Proverbs 15:1-33

The Vanity of Religion & Riches

Solomon contemplates the insincerity he saw of those coming to the temple to worship and who were simply going through the motions. Then he turns to wealth to show that living for these things cannot satisfy. Religion and Riches are both vanity if we don’t have a heart first for God. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 5-6
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The Right Way

The contrast between the wise and the foolish continues in this chapter. It’s clear that there’s a right way and a wrong way, one that leads to life and one that leads to death. Bible Text: Proverbs 14:1-35