Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 48)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 48)

Revelation Slide

The Four Horsemen

Revelation 6 begins our look at the Tribulation period. It’s a 7 year period that God has set in place to deal with the continuous rebellion of the world and to draw the nation of Israel back to Him. In our study today we focus on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. We’ll look at who they are and what they represent. Bible Text: Revelation 6:1-8
Jeremiah Study

Reaping What You Sow

For the third time Jeremiah is told not to pray for Judah. The people have reached a point in their sin where there is irreversable damage that is caused. A season is upon them where they must reap what they have sown. God will allow them to face captivity so as to have their hearts ultimately turn back to the Lord. But the Lord continues to give hope, “If you return, then I will bring you back.” (Jer. 15:19) Jeremiah 14-15
Jeremiah Study

Persevering & Preaching

Jeremiah asks the age old question, ‘Why does the way of the wicked prosper?’ God’s response is not what Jeremiah was hoping for I’m sure. But God’s concern was more for Jeremiah. All that Jeremiah was dealing with was meant to prepare him for greater challenges and build perseverance. It would enable him to continue preaching the word in all circumstances. Bible Text: Jeremiah 12-13
Revelation Slide

The Passing of the Scroll

As we look at the scene going on in heaven, it’s one full of praise. But in Revelation 5 we see a development occur that causes John great concern. A scroll emerges with 7 seals on it, and nobody is found worthy to open it. And it causes him to weep. What was this scroll? Who is able to open it? Listen in as we take a look and answer these important questions. Bible Text: Revelation 5:1-7
Revelation Slide

The Worship in Heaven

The scene in heaven is one of great worship before the throne of God. The four living creatures and the 24 elders are all taking part. But who are they? We take a look at who these groups are and again see the priority and program of heaven. Bible Text: Revelation 4:4-11
Jeremiah Study

Refusing to Return

Throughout this passage we see Judah as those who are holding fast to deceit, rushing into sin, refusing to listen or return to the Lord. The option was there and judgment could be averted, but they remained in sin and disobedience. So the warning continues to sound of what they could expect if they do not come back to God. Bible Text: Jeremiah 8:1-9:26
Revelation Slide

The Rapture of the Church

Does the church get taken up to heaven before the Second Coming of Christ? Are they two separate events? When does it happen? Listen in as Pastor Brent shares what the word has to say about the Rapture. Bible Text: Revelation 4:1-3
Jeremiah Study

Reliance On The Wrong Things

Jeremiah is called to go stand at the gates of the temple and declare the coming judgment of the Lord. The people were thinking they were safe because they had the temple after all. They could worship other gods as long as they came to the temple too. God would never let anything happen to His dwelling place, they thought. But as we’ll see, God is much more interested in obedience that buildings. He wants a devoted heart not a divided heart. Bible Text: Jeremiah 6:1-7:34
Revelation Slide

The Church in Philadelphia and Laodicea

We have two very different churches before us. One was a revived church, the other a relaxed church. It’s the tale of two doors. The church of Philadelphia had an open door of ministry that the believers were faithful to walk through. Whereas the church at Laodicea had a closed door – by their own choosing. They had been keeping Jesus out and doing things their way. Listen in and learn from these good and bad examples. Bible Text: Revelation 3:7-22
Jeremiah Study

Return & Recover

It’s amazing that Israel had turned so far away from God and had brought so much difficulty into their lives. Yet through it all, and no matter how far they had gone, God continues to call out to return to Him. This is what repentance is – to turn from your sin, and turn to God. And if they would do it, they would find peace and restoration. These chapters deal with this message and the tragic outcome of not following this word. Bible Text: Jeremiah 4-5
Revelation Slide

The Church in Thyatira and Sardis

The church in Thyatira was doing well outwardly but they allowed themselves to become polluted inwardly by a mixed message. The church in Sardis had a great reputation, but were essentially dead. These are still potential problems that can face the church today. Listen in as we look at how to avoid these. Bible Text: Revelation 2:18-3:6