Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 59)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 59)

Demonic Deliverance

As Jesus and His disciples cross over the sea of Galilee, they’re met by a man possessed with many demons. We see that the devil and his power is real, that his intent is destruction, but that Jesus is all together greater and the final authority and power! This is a great account of the power, grace and love of Jesus to bring people into newness of life. Bible Text: Mark 5:1-20

The Kingdom Parables

The parable of the lamp, the parable of the growing seed, and the parable of the mustard seed. Bible Text: Mark 4:21-34

The 7 Sayings From The Cross

Jesus went to the cross willingly to save us of our sin. As He hung there He spoke 7 times. It revealed His heart and His mission. Follow along as we look at what was said and why.

The Parable of the Soils

Jesus shares one of the more well known parables – typically identified as the parable of the sower and the seed. But as we’ll see, it has a lot more to do with the soil the seed is planted in. Bible Text: Mark 4:1-20

A City Convicted, A Servant Corrected

Jonah gets a second chance to carry out Gods work. And a great revival takes place in Ninevah. But it’s exactly what Jonah didn’t want to see happen. There’s some real attitude adjustments needed on Jonah, so God takes time to graciously work in Jonah. He’s much more concerned for the minister than the ministry! Bible Text: Jonah 3:1-4:11

Priority Paradox

Jesus continues to confront the religious leaders on their perception of the Sabbath. They had their priorities all mixed up. But Jesus never did. He calls the 12 to Him to come and be with Him and learn of Him and to carry out the work and message of Jesus. Bible Text: Mark 3:1-35

The Prayer & Deliverance of Jonah

The rebellious, renegade, prophet ends up getting stopped in his tracks and finds himself in the belly of a great fish. That would definitely be a good time to pray, which is what Jonah does. And in his prayer we see a humbled man who is thanking God for not letting him perish in the sea. Bible Text: Jonah 2:1-10

Out With The Old

Jesus did not come to patch up the old system of Judaism. He wasn’t interested in keeping people under the law or of introducing a new law. He came to show a new way – a better way! The Old Covenant wouldn’t be able to contain what would be done through the New Covenant. Bible Text: Mark 2:18-28

The Grace Chase

Jonah is a man on the run. He’s running from having to go to Ninevah, and he’s running from God. Not only is he afraid of the Ninevites, but Jonah is actually afraid that God will show mercy to them and spare them. Not what Jonah wanted. He is the prodigal prophet. But God goes after him, and ultimately uses Jonah to give Ninevah an opportunity to repent. It’s the great grace chase! Bible Text: Jonah 1:1-17

Engaging or Excluding?

Jesus calls Levi, a guy otherwise dismissed and despised in society because of his occupation. Yet Levi (later named Matthew) becomes a follower of Christ and a guy that brings other social outcasts to Christ. This passage reveals how Jesus came to save sinners such as these! Bible Text: Mark 2:13-17

The Pride & Destruction of Edom

Obadiah is a book written entirely against a nation other than Israel – Edom. Who were the Edomites and why did they have a book entirely devoted to them? Listen to this study to see where they went wrong and what we can learn from them. Bible Text: Obadiah 1-21

Forgiveness and Healing!

Jesus returns to Capernaum and the crowds are growing. So much so that 4 guys can’t get their paralyzed friend in to see Him. We look at the passion, patience, and productiveness of these 4 friends and how we should be applying this in bringing people to Jesus. And we see the forgiveness Jesus offers. He not only brings physical healing, but Jesus does a spiritual healing too! Bible Text: Mark 2:1-12