Sermons on Tribulation
The Tribulation – part 2
Sunday Morning Service: Things To Come Series
The Tribulation – part 1
Sunday Morning Series: Things To Come
The Rapture of the Church – part 2
Sunday Morning Series: Things To Come
The Rapture of the Church – part 1
Sunday Morning Series: Things To Come
Ephesians 6:13-24 – The Whole Armour of God
Sunday Morning Series: Letters From Prison
Revelation 1-7
Wednesday Night Series: “The Bible From 30,000 Feet”
John 15:18-16:4 – Handling The World’s Hatred
Sunday morning series going verse by verse through the Gospel of John.
Job 15-19 – Battling Through Adversity
Job continues to get an earful from his friends that was of no help or value to Job. These friends didn’t have the full picture of what God was doing and their judgment was off. But Job was able to look beyond that and know the hope that lay ahead. He had a Redeemer, and one day he would see God in the flesh! May this reality keep us persevering through the hard times.
Bible Text: Job 15-19
Romans 5:1-5 – The Joy of Justification
After Paul has gone through the fact that we have been justified by faith, he now points us to the wonderful benefits that come from being justified and right with God.
Bible Text: Romans 5:1-5
Trumpet Time – part 2
The fifth and sixth trumpet judgments are released in Revelation 9 and it brings an onslaught of demonic activity and torment. To reject heaven is to choose hell and here a world that has rejected God is getting a taste of what hell is like. God is providing a better way and giving people an opportunity to turn to Him.
Bible Text: Revelation 9:1-21
Who Is Able To Stand?
As the fifth and sixth seals of Revelation are opened, we see the responses in both heaven and earth. Those killed for their faith call out to God from the altar in heaven, while those on earth experience cataclysmic upheaval. The chapter ends with the question, ‘Who is able to stand?’ It’s a question we must all answer. Are you standing on your own, or are you standing in Jesus Christ?
Bible Text: Revelation 6:9-17