Recent Sermons (Page 4)

Be Perfect? | Matthew 5:43-48

We don’t have to feel beat down and offended by threats or hurts against us if we are truly following Jesus and allowing Him to make us new. Be who He has made you to be, perfect and mature – a child of God who resembles your Heavenly Father rather than the god of this age.

Living A Life of Sincerity and Surrender | Matthew 5:33-42

God is not expecting us to be sinlessly perfect, though we should never think there’s a valid reason to succumb to sin. But what God does desire for us to be be moving on into maturity. Allow the Lord to keep perfecting you. This is the mark of the mature believer.

Wise Men Still Seek Him | Matthew 2:1-12

We celebrate Jesus’ willingness to give up the blessing of heaven and come to this world as one of us, but we would be remiss if we just left it there. His coming to this world was always to lead to the cross and our salvation.

A Wise Man In Wonder | Luke 2:25-35

Simeon had a lot to question here. How can a little baby save me!? What good is He going to do? But Simeon sings and proclaims the goodness of God as He takes God at His word. May this Christmas season be an opportunity to see the reality of God’s word coming to life and being true for you. Because everything we see about Christmas has been prepared for you!

The True Intent of the Law | Matthew 5:21-32

Jesus is beginning to show the Kingdom way is a matter of the heart. There needs to be a work done inwardly. Realizing we are nothing in ourselves. We are poor in spirit, but we hunger and thirst for Christ’s righteousness, by which we are able to stand before God. We receive His mercy and grace and understand it’s a work of His Spirit that brings about the transformation of the heart.

What A Day | Joshua 9-10

There will be times that we look at our mistakes and think that we’ve just totally blown it. But yet God took Joshua’s blunder (making a treaty with the Gibeonites) and turned it into a blessing. And in the same way, as we lay down our mistakes to the Lord in humility, He will transform them into blessings for His glory.

Salt & Light | Matthew 5:13-20

Christians need to conduct themselves in a way where all that they are doing, and the way that they are living, is simply reflecting the goodness of God. Our good works should cause people to give thanks to God for all He’s doing through us. Jesus is pointing us to a righteousness of the heart and it’s based on what He provides for us.

The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:1-12

The Blessed life that Jesus points out is so foreign and contrary to what the world values. It’s even more so today. But Jesus lays out this Kingdom Way to show us the path to the blessed and happy life. Are you feeling blessed today? What areas or attitudes need to be altered in your life to align with His kingdom?

Lessons Learned At Ai | Joshua 7-8

Israel had to be conquered by God before they could go and conquer. God’s conquering comes by our dying to the flesh. When we die to the flesh and live in the Spirit, we can walk in victory. That’s the book of Joshua.

Why We Support Israel | Various Scriptures

Pastor Brent explains why Riverside supports Israel. When we say we support Israel, we do so from a biblical position and understand that this is a nation that God has chosen for very specific purposes. If this is a nation that God has chosen and a nation He is not done with, then we’re going to support what God is doing! And we hope to make it clear from God’s Word why we hold this view.