Recent Sermons (Page 68)

Traditions and Truth

Why do you do the things you do? In your worship of God, have some things become just a routine that has lost all sense of reason behind it? This was the case in Zechariah 7. While in Babylon, the people had instituted various fast days and wondered if they needed to keep some of these traditions going. It’s important to evaluate what it is we are doing and make sure it is truly done with the right heart and not just out of ritual. Bible Text: Zechariah 7:1-8:8

Who Are You Serving?

As the church continues to prosper we see some good things happening and some not so good things happening. Through this we see some examples from different people and who they were living for. It’s a chance for us to take a look at what’s driving us and who are we truly serving? Bible TExt: Acts 4:32-5:32

Chariots and Crowns

Zechariah receives his last of 8 visions, and it has some similarities to the first one. They serve as a kind of bookends to bring confidence and assurance to those in Jerusalem that despite the circumstances or conditions that the people are dealing with, God is on the move and is carrying out His work. Don’t give up but have hope in the plans of the Lord! Then Zechariah is told to crown Joshua, which was unusual for a high priest. But it pointed ahead, building up their faith again in the One who would be their perfect King-Priest. Bible Text: Zechariah 6:1-15

Persecution, Prayer, and Power

As the church continues to go out with the gospel, opposition begins to set in. Take a look at how Peter, John and the church handle this onset of persecution. Bible Text: Acts 4:1-31

The Ministry Begins

As the church is now brought together and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we see the church now launched out into ministry. In this study we look at a miracle and a message. The miracle reveals the condition of man and the need for the gospel, and the message reveals that it’s all about Jesus! Bible Text: Acts 3:1-26

Not By Might, Nor By Power

Zechariah receives his fifth vision and this is a word for Zerubbabel. As he is leading the rebuilding of the temple, things just looked bleak. ‘Can this ever get finished, will this ever look like it used to?’, was their thought. But the Lord speaks a word of encouragement to Zerubbabel, reminding him that it’s not by his might or power, but by the Spirit of the Lord that this work will be accomplished. An important truth for us today as well. Bible Text: Zechariah 4:1-14

The Message and Model Of The Church

Peter continues to share with the onlookers there at Pentecost and explain to them what is going on. We’re seeing the birth of the church as the Holy Spirit is poured out. In our message today we look at the message of the church and the model of this early church. The message was all about Jesus, and the model of the church centred on simplicity. Bible Text: Acts 2:22-47

Cleaned, Clothed, and Commissioned

In Chapter 3 Zechariah receives his fourth vision – it’s a vision of Joshua the high priest in filthy garments. And it’s a glimpse at the sin of Israel, but we see the work Jesus is coming to do in cleansing, clothing, and commissioning His people. Bible Text: Zechariah 3:1-10

Keeping Our Kids In The Truth

Statistics show us that many kids are leaving the church as they get older. What’s the reason for this? What can we be doing better? We examine some of these questions and look at how to keep upcoming generations grounded in the truth.

The Birth Of The Church

Acts 2 is a pivotal chapter in the Bible. It’s the beginning of the church and the issuing of the power they’ll need through the Holy Spirit to go with the gospel. We look today at the baptism of the Holy Spirit: what it is, what it means, and why we need Him. Bible Text: Acts 2:1-21

The Night Visions

The work of rebuilding the temple was underway, but there was still some worry and doubt. The people were wondering: “Is God really going to see us through? Is God really leading us to do this?” Well, in a single night Zechariah receives 8 visions that are meant to encourage the people in Jerusalem and fill them with hope not only for their day, but for the future. God is indeed at work and will be their help! A great encouragement for us as well. Bible Text: Zechariah 1:7-2:13

Power to Proclaim

The book of Acts is the continuation of the Gospel story. It began with Jesus and 12 guys and continues on through the Holy Spirit and the church. As we spend time in this book we’ll see the church taking the gospel through the world. It’s a work that is still going on in our day so it’s a very applicable book for us. This study focuses on Jesus’ last instructions and the power available to be witnesses for Him. Bible Text: Acts 1:1-26