Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 39)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 39)

Romans 11 – Israel – Down But Not Out

As Paul finishes this section where he’s been discussing Israel’s part in the redemptive work of God, he focuses on Israel’s future. The fact is that God will uphold His Word toward Israel, and He’ll be sure to preserve a remnant. All Israel will be saved in that day! Bible Text: Romans 11:1-36

Romans 10 – Faith That Saves

We continue to look at God’s plan of salvation for all people. Both Jew and Gentile. God doesn’t discriminate and the way to righteousness is a simple matter of faith. Bible Text: Romans 10:1-21

Job 3-5 – Job & Eliphaz Speak

The discussion begins as Job communicates the pain of losing everything. But he never attacks God. Eliphaz thinks it’s all because of Job’s unrighteousness and wants him to confess his sin. How do you deal with suffering and pain? What’s the point of it? We look to discuss these matters in this study. Bible Text: Job 3:1-5:27

Romans 9 – God Is God

Romans 9 begins a new section where Paul discusses the nation of Israel and how they illustrate God’s sovereignty and plan of redemption. Bible Text: Romans 9:1-33

Job 1-2 – Tests, Trials and Trust

We begin our study through the book of Job looking at the Sovereignty of God and the importance of trusting Him. We don’t always know what is happening behind the scenes as is evident in these chapters. Our lives will either exist to bring glory to God or bolster the enemies work. Bible Text: Job 1:1-2:13

Romans 8:26-39 – God Is For Us!

We finish up this mountain peak of Scripture and look at the reality of God being for us. Since He is for us, what can be against us? Along with that, we see the wonderful truth that nothing can separate us from His love. Bible Text: Romans 8:26-39

Romans 8:12-25 – Children of God

In the first part of Chapter 8 we looked at living by the Spirit. Not only does the Holy Spirit empower us to live victorious lives, but He also assures us that we are children of God. Today we look at: 1. The Mark of A Child of God 2. The Benefits of A Child of God 3. The Hope of A Child of God Bible Text: Romans 8:12-25

Romans 8:1-11 – Living By The Spirit

Romans 8 is one of those high peak passages of Scripture. As we look through these verses we see the key to living this life of freedom in Christ comes through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Bible Text: Romans 8:1-11

Hope Past, Present, Future

Pastor Brent shares a three part message through our Christmas Music Presentation that looks at the past, present and future significance of the birth of Jesus and the reason we have hope today!