Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 52)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 52)

The Faithfulness Of God

Ever been perplexed when looking at circumstances and situations around you that seem to contradict what God says in His Word? Does it ever seem like God’s promises are not being fulfilled or do you wonder if they ever will? Psalm 89 is such a Psalm as the writer struggles to view the promises God had made in light of what he sees happening around him. Yet through it all we see the complete faithfulness of God. His promises will never be broken! Bible Text: Psalm 89

Trusting God in Tough Times

We’ve all experienced difficulty I’m sure. Even times where we wonder where God is or what He’s doing? Yet it’s in these times that we need to trust the Lord all the more. Because He is with us and will help us. “In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me.” – Psalm 86:7 Bible Text: Psalms 86-88

Pursuit In Pilgrimage

The Psalmist longs to come and meet with the Lord. His heart and flesh cry out for the living God. What kind of passion and desire do we have for the Lord? What a blessing we have to come and meet with Him and commune with the Living God. And as we see, no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Bible Text: Psalms 84-85

Jubilation to Judgment

God desires to bless His people. He’s done it over and over in the history of His dealings with man. But too often we go back to follow our own ways rather than Gods ways. This not only removes us from the flow of His blessing, but often brings judgment. These Psalms remind us the Lord will return as either Judge, or Saviour. The difference depends on how we receive Him now. Bible TExt: Psalms 81-83

Ministry in Ephesus

On his third missionary trip Paul makes his way to Ephesus. He has an extended stay here where the gospel goes out to all of Asia. God was doing a good work while Satan continued try and stop this work. But the Word of God prevailed and many came to know Jesus. Bible Text: Acts 19:1-41

Restore Us O God

Does God desire to bless you or curse you? It’s hard to imagine God’s blessing when undergoing judgment. Yet it’s through judgment that He hopes to bring you back to where you need to be to receive blessing and experience the face of the Lord shining on you. This is what these Psalms point us to. Bible Text: Psalms 79-80

Multiplying Ministry

Paul moves on to Corinth – capital of carnality! But it’s here that he stays for a year and a half because this is where there is great emphasis on discipleship. Seeing people get saved is great, but as we look at chapter 18, discipleship is also key. Bible Text: Acts 18:1-28

HIStory Lesson

Take a walk through Israel’s history as we take a look at God’s faithfulness, and Israel’s unfaithfulness. Bible Text: Psalm 78:1-72

Acts 17 – Living Upright in an Upside Down World

Paul continues on in his second missionary journey. He comes to Thessalonica where we see threatening. Then he moves to Berea where we see believing. And then on to Athens where we see apathy. In all places there is mixed responses, but God is faithful to draw out those that respond to the Word and receive salvation. And we see some great examples from Paul of how to share the gospel. Bible Text: Acts 17:1-34

God Is…

There may come times in your life when you wonder where God is, is He going to do anything? As we look at these chapters we see that God is indeed at work and active. God is Judge, God is Deliverer, and God is Faithful. He’s holding it all together and we have to simply trust Him.

Second Mission Trip

Paul and Silas head out on the second recorded missionary journey in the book of Acts. And God brings along some new companions, new converts, and new challenges. But through it all, Paul and Silas continue on praising God for all things. He is good and never fails! Bible Text: Acts 16:1-40

When God Doesn’t Make Sense

Ever looked at what’s going on around you and wondered why? Why does it seem like everyone else is getting the breaks – even those that don’t love God? In these chapters we look at the importance of focusing on the vertical plane rather than the horizontal. It’s all about perspective! Bible Text: Psalms 73-74