Sermons on Faith (Page 3)

Sermons on Faith (Page 3)

Romans 10 – Faith That Saves

We continue to look at God’s plan of salvation for all people. Both Jew and Gentile. God doesn’t discriminate and the way to righteousness is a simple matter of faith. Bible Text: Romans 10:1-21

Job 1-2 – Tests, Trials and Trust

We begin our study through the book of Job looking at the Sovereignty of God and the importance of trusting Him. We don’t always know what is happening behind the scenes as is evident in these chapters. Our lives will either exist to bring glory to God or bolster the enemies work. Bible Text: Job 1:1-2:13

Romans 4 – Righteousness Credited To You

To think that we can ever be right with God seems almost an impossibility at times. And it is if we’re relying on ourselves. The simple truth is that Jesus’ righteousness gets credited to our lives when we place our faith in Him. Listen in as we see how this works. Bible Text: Romans 4:1-25

Romans 2:17-29 – The Jew and You

Paul takes a look at the Jews in this passage to reveal even their unrighteousness though they had the law. It’s not having the law that means anything, it’s keeping the law. We can all fall in to the trap of depending on our own works or efforts to make us right with God. But righteousness only comes through faith in Jesus. Bible Text: Romans 2:17-29

Romans 2:1-16 – Judging or Judged?

A temptation we can all have is to think we’re doing ok by comparing ourselves to others. Paul addresses this in our passage and reveals to us that we will never have enough morality to stand righteous before God, unless we’re standing in the righteousness of Jesus alone. Bible Text: Romans 2:1-16

What’s The Point Of It All?

Solomon returns to a previous thought and concern – death. It seems that whatever anyone does, or how they live, it all results in the same conclusion, everyone dies and then that’s it. What’s the point of it all? This is Solomon’s question as he lives life under the sun and apart from God. Tonight we look at where Solomon is wrong and the hope we do have in Jesus! Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 9:1-10:20

When Life Feels Monotonous

Solomon battles with the never changing cycles of life. Everything just seems to flow along without change. He’s looking at things from a strictly human point of view. But when he begins to bring God into the equation he begins to see the beauty in these things. He has made all things beautiful in their time. Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 3-4
Lamentations square

The Lord’s Steadfast Love

Though the book of Lamentations is filled with grief and mourning, we see the incredible hope that is always waiting us in the Lord. His love never fails. His mercies are new every morning, and through each mourning we can have hope in Him! Bible Text: Lamentations 3:1-66