Recent Sermons (Page 5)

The Temptation of Jesus | Matthew 4:1-11

The devil will tempt us, but we don’t have to fall prey to the attacks against our flesh. Know the Word. The only offensive weapon is the Word of God! But the Word is not a magical formula that causes Satan to run. He will keep coming. Don’t just speak the Word, live the Word. Let it be the principles you live by. This is what ensures victory.

Crossing The Jordan | Joshua 3-4

God worked in a way where He would exalt Joshua. But this was not to make Joshua great, it was to show the greatness of God. It was to confirm to the people that God was with Joshua and was working through Joshua to lead the people of Israel into Canaan.

The Baptism of Jesus | Matthew 3:13-17

Are you pleased in the Son? Have you found your rest, righteousness and life in Him? If the Father is pleased with Him, then we most certainly should be as well. Have you identified your life with His through waters of baptism? He’s come and identified with us and taken our place, but have you taken your place in repentance and obedience to follow Him in this way?

Preparing The Way | Matthew 3:1-12

The kingdom of heaven is at hand. It can mean peace and blessing to those who will receive King Jesus. Or it will be accompanied with judgment and misery to those who oppose the Kingship of Jesus. Where do you stand today?

Redemption In Jericho | Joshua 2:1-24

Rahab had to exercise great faith and courage in trusting these spies. She had to have faith and courage in telling her family about the coming judgment and the only way to be spared. They could have ratted her out. But her faith took action and she was justified by her works.

Three Groups Who Knew About Jesus | Matthew 2:1-12

Pastor Stewart shares how Herod, the religious leaders, and the wise men all knew about Jesus’ birth, but they all had very different responses. Herod hated the Christ, the religious leaders were indifferent, and the wise men recognized and worshipped Him. Which group are you in?

Be Strong In The Lord | Joshua 1:1-18

We are starting our new sermon series on the book of Joshua. Joshua was commissioned to lead the Israelites into the promised land after the death of Moses. He was commanded three times in this chapter to be strong and courageous. Though the task was daunting, he was reminded that the Lord was with him, so he only needed to obey in faith.

The Arrival of the King | Matthew 1:18-25

Jesus came from heaven to earth to save us from our sins. He is God with us: Immanuel. Have you relied solely on Jesus as your salvation? Put your trust in Him and live for Him. See what He will do. For He is God with us. He will not forsake you. He will see you through! 

In The Family | Matthew 1:1-17

Jesus’ genealogy is full of people who lived messy lives. It reveals to us that we do not need to wait to clean ourselves up before we turn to Jesus because we are incapable to do that cleansing. There’s nothing we can do better than to turn to Jesus and allow Him to do that work we cannot do ourselves. He is more than willing to invite one more nut into the family!