Recent Sermons (Page 67)

The Return Of The King

The last chapter of Zechariah brings us to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ and on into the Millennium. The enemies of the Lord are defeated, and righteousness and holiness reign. Are you lacking hope in this world? Well, listen in to see the change that’s coming! Bibel Text: Zechariah 14:1-21

The Gospel Goes To Samaria

As the church is established in Jerusalem, persecution sets in. But it’s all according to God’s plan as it’s what was needed to get the church on the move. Sometimes the Lord allows things to shake us up, but it’s so we don’t get too settled in our ways. When you feel shaken, look to see what God wants to do through it. Today’s study shows that God indeed had great things in store through this time of trial. Bibel Text: Acts 8:1-25

The Pierced and Purifying One

In this exciting prophetic passage, we look at the nations coming against Israel but the Lord fighting on their behalf. It culminates with the return of Jesus and the Jews looking at Him in repentance. It’s what Paul spoke of in Romans 11 that all Israel would be saved. Following repentance comes renewal and purification. A great study revealing God’s plan in that day. Bible Text: Zechariah 12:1-13:9

The Good, Bad, and Ugly (Shepherd)

Zechariah 10+11 takes us through a view of the leaders (Shepherds) in Israel. They had been leading the people astray, and so Zechariah 10 reveals the Good Shepherd who is going to regather His sheep and be their help.

Stephen’s History Lesson – part 2

Stephen becomes the first martyr of the church as he lays out a masterful presentation of Israel’s history of rebellion and disobedience. His audience had no argument, so they resort to physical violence and murder. But Stephen was received graciously into eternity and glory. Bible Text: Acts 7:30-60

Contrast Of Two Kings

Zechariah lays out an interesting history lesson for us, but prophetic revelation to him. God gave him a word of how he was going to judge the nations surrounding Israel, and it was going to come through Alexander the Great. But then Zechariah jumps to the coming King – Jesus, who is coming with peace not destruction. It’s a fascinating passage reminding us that God is orchestrating all things to carry out His purposes! Zechariah 9:1-17

Stephen’s History Lesson – part 1

Stephen is accused of speaking against Moses, the temple, and their law. But Stephen takes his opponents through a masterful walk through their history to show that God is not exclusive to working in their temple or even their own land. And in so doing he reveals that their own fathers had a habit of rejecting those God sent to carry out His work. The very thing his detractors had done with Jesus. Bible Text: Acts 7:1-29

Precious Promises

The word of the Lord comes to Zechariah encouraging the people saying: ‘Let your hands be strong!’ Ever felt like giving up with something before? But the Lord reminds them that He has great things in store for His people. So don’t give up! We have a great promise of future blessing as well. So regardless of what you’re going through, keep pressing on – it will all be worth it. Bible Text: Zechariah 8:9-23

A Few Good Men

As opposition continues against the church, the Lord raises up some people to speak and serve. And through it a possible division is averted. We must realize that difficulty will come, even in a seeming perfect church. This study gives us some good wisdom of how to handle these things when they do come. Bible Text: Acts 5:33-6:15