Recent Sermons (Page 9)

The Reliability Of God’s Word | 2 Corinthians 1:8-22

In this message, Pastor Brent teaches about the unwavering reliability of God’s Word and how it serves as a beacon of hope in our lives. God has been faithful in the past, He continues to do so in the present, and we have the assurance that God will remain faithful in the future. Therefore, we strive to be people of prayer who are sincere in our faith before God and man.

The Fellowship Of Suffering | 2 Corinthians 1:1-7

In today’s sermon, we will be examining the relationship between suffering and faith. In times of suffering, is God your first retreat or your last resort? Pastor Brent shares with us that struggles faced by Christians are not a form of punishment for past actions, but rather a means by which God equips us for the purpose and destiny He has intended for our lives.

We’ve Been Here Before | Various Scriptures

We’re joined by guest speaker Bryan Pue of The Union Movement, who delves into the important topic of biblical sexuality. Bryan challenges Christians to have the courage to stand up for the truth, but at the same time, he emphasizes the importance of speaking with love and compassion.