Minor Prophets (Page 2)

Minor Prophets (Page 2)

Questioning God’s Goodness – Part 3

We conclude the book of Malachi looking at this debate between God and the people of Israel continue to unfold. God is calling them back to faithfulness, as He reveals His faithfulness to them. Bible Text: Malachi 3:7-4:6

Questioning God’s Goodness – Part 1

God speaks out to the people a number of years after they have returned from exile. Sadly they have slipped back into ways of sin and rebellion. God calls out to them through the prophet Malachi and their response is one of questioning – ‘What are you taking about?’ So we witness this debate unfold ultimately so that God can led them back to a right relationship with Him. Bible Text: Malachi 1:1-2:9

Priority Adjustment

A group of Jews returned back to Israel after their exile in Babylon. They were to return and work on the rebuilding of the temple. But soon opposition set in and distraction came, and the rebuilding work sat idle for 15 years. Haggai the prophet comes along to speak to the people and cause them to see that their priorities have been out of line. So he speaks into their situation and gives much encouragement as well as the temple building is resumed and completed shortly after. A definite word for us today as our priorities often times need adjusting. Haggai 1:1-2:23

Judgment to Joy

Zephaniah leads us through upcoming judgment that will come against Judah and Jerusalem. And not only to them, but to all nations that have walked in rebellion to God. But as always in the message of the Lord, there is hope. The Lord always has His remnant of people that will be faithful. And this is available to all who turn to the Lord. This judgment can turn to joy! Bible Text: Zephaniah 1:1-3:20

Worshipping and Witnessing

Habakkuk was taken from the valley, to the watchtower, now he’s up on the mountaintop as he learns the value of waiting on, and trusting in the Lord. Here in chapter 3 we see Habakkuk praising God for His past faithfulness and seeing how the Lord has everything presently under control. Bible Text: Habakkuk 3:1-19

Watching and Waiting

After Habakkuk questions God and wonders why He isn’t doing something about the mess they were in, He now turns to the Lord to wait and hear from Him. Often times we miss out on seeing what God is doing because we frantically run ahead attempting to fix everything. Habakkuk gives us a great example when we’re tempted to do just that. Bible Text: Habakkuk 2:1-20

Wondering and Wrestling

Habakkuk was troubled with what he was seeing around him and he wondered why God wasn’t acting? Shouldn’t God be taking care of this? Sound familiar? Ever feel like that? In the book of Habakkuk we find a wonderful reminder that we are to trust God – have our faith completely in Him. For even if we don’t realize it, He is at work! Bible Text: Habakkuk 1:1-17

Nineveh’s Going Down!

The book of Nahum stands somewhat as a sequel to Jonah. Jonah saw great revival in Nineveh, but now some 100 years later they have slipped back into their sinful, rebellious ways. Nahum comes now with a word of warning against Nineveh that judgment is coming. It’s a reminder for us that revival and repentance must be an ongoing work in our lives. Bible Text: Nahum 1:1-3:19

Micah 6-7

Micah gives his third and final message to Israel. In so doing he reveals the guilt of Israel but finishes with the grace of God! The Lord is not going to destroy Israel but will rather deliver them completely in a future day. Bible Text: Micah 6:1-7:20

Micah’s Second Message

Micah delivers his second message to Israel confronting the sin of the leaders. But in God’s graciousness and mercy, we see the hope for Israel as God has future plans for the nation. Bible Text: Micah 3:1-4:13