Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 40)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 40)

Romans 6:1-6 – Dead and Alive

In Romans 6 we take a look at sanctification – being set apart. Through the death of Jesus we too have died to sin. And because Jesus rose again, we too have been given newness of life. One that doesn’t need to be dominated by sin. Live dead to sin and alive to Christ! Bible Text: Romans 6:1-6

Romans 5:12-21 – The Real Adam Bomb

Paul explains that Adam’s sin had far reaching effects on humanity. We inherited his sin. This can seem unfair until you recognize that God allowed Adam to be our representative so that He could have Jesus be our representative. Adam brought sin and death, Jesus brings salvation and eternal life! Bible Text: Romans 5:12-21

Romans 4 – Righteousness Credited To You

To think that we can ever be right with God seems almost an impossibility at times. And it is if we’re relying on ourselves. The simple truth is that Jesus’ righteousness gets credited to our lives when we place our faith in Him. Listen in as we see how this works. Bible Text: Romans 4:1-25

Romans 3 – Righteousness Revealed

In this wonderful chapter Paul concludes his trial of humanity to reveal our sin and guilt before God. Yet he doesn’t leave us there. He brings us to the great good news of the Gospel – that we can be righteous before God in spite of our sin and guilt. And it’s all possible through faith in Jesus Christ! Bible Text: Romans 3:1-31

Romans 2:17-29 – The Jew and You

Paul takes a look at the Jews in this passage to reveal even their unrighteousness though they had the law. It’s not having the law that means anything, it’s keeping the law. We can all fall in to the trap of depending on our own works or efforts to make us right with God. But righteousness only comes through faith in Jesus. Bible Text: Romans 2:17-29

Romans 2:1-16 – Judging or Judged?

A temptation we can all have is to think we’re doing ok by comparing ourselves to others. Paul addresses this in our passage and reveals to us that we will never have enough morality to stand righteous before God, unless we’re standing in the righteousness of Jesus alone. Bible Text: Romans 2:1-16

Romans 1:18-32 – The Black Backdrop Of Humanity

We need to understand why we need saving if we’re going to receive salvation at all. Unless there is something to be saved from, there is no point in talking about salvation. This is exactly where Paul takes us here in this passage as he reveals the wrath of God, how we deserve that, but also how the gospel reveals the way to be saved. Bible Text: Romans 1:18-32