Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 44)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 44)

Lamentations square

The End Result of Sin

The book of Lamentations is a continuation from Jeremiah. Jeremiah warned the people of Judah that her sin and idolatry was paving the way for God’s judgment. The book of Lamentation is written in the aftermath of this judgment as Jerusalem and the temple is destroyed and the grief and mourning is heavy. Jeremiah writes to express this heartache of anguish yet reveals the hope we have in God in times of calamity. Bible Text: Lamentations 1:1-22
Proverbs image

Instructions & Rewards

In this passage we look at the instruction given to live a life of wisdom, as well as the rewards that follow when these instructions are lived out. Bible Text: Proverbs 3:1-12
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Wisdom is Calling

Not only is wisdom available and being offered to all, we see that there is an invaluable treasure awaiting all those that seek it. Bible Text: Proverbs 1:20-2:22
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Purpose of Proverbs

We open up the book of Proverbs and take a look at why it’s written and what it has to say for us today! Bible Text: Proverbs 1:1-19

There’s Room For You

In this Christmas message Pastor Brent looks at the lineage of Jesus and what it reveals for us. Bible Text: Matthew 1:1-17

Timeless Truths of Christmas

We look at the Christmas story and examine the unchanging truths that we see from the first Christmas. It’s implications and applications are relevant for us today. Bible Text: Luke 2:8-14; Matthew 1:18-21
Jeremiah Study

Messages To The Nations

In these chapters Jeremiah shares a number of messages to different nations. It’s a word of judgment from God for their pride, and self-reliance. Bible Text: Jeremiah 47-49
Jeremiah Study

Dead End In Egypt

Tonight we look at those that trusted in their way rather than following God’s way. A remnant left in Judah after Babylon’s conquest decided to seek refuge in Egypt. This isn’t what God had for them and it will not end well for them. Bible Text: Jeremiah 43-46