Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 51)

Sermons by Brent Smith (Page 51)

1 John 2:1-11 – Walking In Jesus and Like Jesus

John lays out for us some wonderful news! We don’t have to sin, but if we do, we have an Advocate – Jesus. And He is with the Father standing on our behalf. He has cleansed us from our sin and now calls us into a life of fellowship with Him. And John lays out some tests for the believer to know that we know Him. Bible Text: 1 John 2:1-11

Acts 23 – When Your Back’s Against The Wall

Things are getting increasingly more chaotic for Paul. Rejected, beaten, imprisoned, and a group of assassins taking an oath to kill him. Things aren’t going his way it would seem. Yet through it all we see God’s providential care time and time again. Jesus even comes to encourage Paul in jail and let’s him know He’s not done with him yet. What a great reminder that if God is for us, who can be against us. Bible Text: Acts 23:1-35

1 John 1:5-10 – Walking In The Light

John lays out for us that if we are believers in Christ, we should be walking in the light as He is in the light. We look at some obstacles to walking in the light, but also the provision made for us to continue walking in the light. Bible Text: 1 John 1:5-10

Acts 21:27-22:30 – Paul Gives An Account

Paul is given the opportunity he’s been dreaming of – to speak to his fellow country men. The Jewish crowds are gathered at the Temple, the stage is set! He lays it all out for them as to how Jesus met him, transformed him, and called him. Surely the people will warm up to Paul after this account. Listen in to hear how it all goes down and what we learn from his account. Bibel Text: Acts 21:27-22:30

1 John 1:1-4 – Fellowship And Fullness Of Joy

John sets out the purpose in the introduction to his letter: “…that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” Our joy is equated to our fellowship with God. He’s invited us in to enjoy relationship with Him. What a blessing. May you experience fullness of joy as you encounter life in Him. Bible Text: 1 John 1:1-4

Acts 20:28-21:26 – The Will Of The Lord Be Done

Ever wondered why the Lord would lead you in a certain way? Even when it seems like your heading for disaster? That was the case for Paul as he makes his way back to Jerusalem after his third missionary trip. Others were even given a word from God as to what trouble was awaiting Paul. They tried to keep him from Jerusalem. But Paul was confident God was taking him right into the fire and would carry out His good purposes through it. Are we ready to say in all things, ‘Your will be done Lord.’ Bible Text: Acts 20:28-21:26

Acts 20:1-27 – None Of These Things Move Me

As Paul continues his farewell tour visiting various cities that he has ministered to, he stops in Miletus for a special heart to heart with the Elders from Ephesus. Here we see Paul the Pastor pour out his heart of love. And in this discourse we look at Paul’s resolution to serve the Lord faithfully to the end. Nothing will deter or discourage him from finishing his race. Great words of encouragement and challenge to us as well. Bible Text: Acts 20:1-27

Our Response To His Reign

As we close out this section dealing with the Reign of the Lord, we look at how we should respond to the fact that God is Sovereign over all. Bible Text: Psalms 97-100

Come Let Us Worship!

We are given an incredible invitation to come and worship the Lord. There is joy and blessing that comes as we fix our eyes on the King who reigns, and give Him the praise that He deserves. We explore the goodness of God and the response we are to have as worshippers in these two Psalms. Bible Text: Psalms 95-96

The Promise and Power of His Reign

These Psalms reminds us that God not only reigns, but His reign is eternal. It has no beginning and no end. And He is mightier than any kind of opposition. One day He will carry out vengeance and justice to all that have fought against His reign. May you know the blessing of submitting to Him and enjoy the peace of His reign today. Bible Text: Psalms 93-94

Fresh and Flourishing

It is good to give thanks to the Lord this Psalm declares. How true that is! There is blessing and strength for those that look to God in praise. Though trouble may mount around us, God will uphold us. Though we may grow old or tired, those who are planted in the house of the Lord will remain fresh and flourishing. Bible Text: Psalm 92

Teach Us To Number Our Days

Have you ever stopped to ponder what you’re doing with your life? And not just down the road, but each day that you have? This passage helps us to see the frailty of man, but so that we can properly number our days and make the most of them. Thankfully the Lord is a great shelter and protector of our lives. We don’t have to live in fear but at rest in His arms so that we can be making these lives count! Bible Text: Psalms 90-91