Sermons on Sin (Page 2)

Sermons on Sin (Page 2)

Lamentations square

The End Result of Sin

The book of Lamentations is a continuation from Jeremiah. Jeremiah warned the people of Judah that her sin and idolatry was paving the way for God’s judgment. The book of Lamentation is written in the aftermath of this judgment as Jerusalem and the temple is destroyed and the grief and mourning is heavy. Jeremiah writes to express this heartache of anguish yet reveals the hope we have in God in times of calamity. Bible Text: Lamentations 1:1-22
Jeremiah Study

Messages To The Nations

In these chapters Jeremiah shares a number of messages to different nations. It’s a word of judgment from God for their pride, and self-reliance. Bible Text: Jeremiah 47-49
Jeremiah Study

Dead End In Egypt

Tonight we look at those that trusted in their way rather than following God’s way. A remnant left in Judah after Babylon’s conquest decided to seek refuge in Egypt. This isn’t what God had for them and it will not end well for them. Bible Text: Jeremiah 43-46
Revelation Slide

Where Is Your Treasure?

Revelation 18 looks at the judgment and demise of commercial and economic Babylon. It’s a view into the worlds system that’s fixed on materialism. And all of it collapsed within an hour. It leaves us with the question of what are we living for and where are we placing our treasure? Bible Text: Revelation 18:1-24
Jeremiah Study

Promise Breakers and Keepers

In chapter 34 we take a look at a covenant that the people of Judah were not upholding. It displayed their disobedience to Gods Word. In chapter 35 we’re given a great contrast of a group of people who were faithful to carry out a command given them. The people of Israel were without excuse. There is great blessing in being a promise keeper rather than a promise breaker! Bible Text: Jeremiah 34-35
Revelation Slide

Mystery Explained

Revelation 17-18 deals with the judgment of Babylon. Chapter 17 focuses on religious Babylon and Chapter 18 focuses on economic Babylon. Today we focus on the mystery of the harlot and the beast she is riding and seek to make sense of what this all means. Bible Text: Revelation 17:7-18
Revelation Slide

Babylon Revealed

Revelation 17-18 deals with the judgment of Babylon. Chapter 17 focuses on religious Babylon and Chapter 18 focuses on economic Babylon. Today we focus on the origins of Babylon, the false religious system, and look at the reasons for it’s judgment. Bible Text: Revelation 17:1-6

Stephen’s History Lesson – part 2

Stephen becomes the first martyr of the church as he lays out a masterful presentation of Israel’s history of rebellion and disobedience. His audience had no argument, so they resort to physical violence and murder. But Stephen was received graciously into eternity and glory. Bible Text: Acts 7:30-60
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