Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Brent Smith: Discipleship, Difficulties and Demons | Matthew 8:14-34

Jesus simply asks His disciples, ‘Why are you fearful?’ Now we can all think of at least a few reasons why fear might get the better of us. But though the storm is raging, Jesus is at rest. With Jesus in the boat, we don’t need to fear! Though trials will come, He will not let us drown. We need to take confidence in that.

Brent Smith: God’s Faithfulness and Our Obedience | Joshua 23

Joshua warns the people that those things that may seem alluring and may look innocent will turn out to be a snare and a trap. So too, sin will be that which will corrupt and be a scourge if we don’t cut it away. The wages of sin is death, there’s no room to play around with it. Don’t believe the lie that you can handle it. Its purpose is to destroy.

Building On The Right Foundation | Matthew 7:21-29

Have you surrendered to Jesus? The day we stand before Jesus does not need to worry us or bring apprehension in our life. If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, the one who paid the penalty for your sins, then you are His.

Right Route, Wrong Root | Matthew 7:13-20

The root determines the fruit. If the root is bad, the fruit cannot be good. If a person is truly rooted in Christ, then good fruit is going to come. And these things become tests or indicators of where a person is at.