Recent Sermons (Page 37)

Exodus 19-40

In this next bible scan, we finish up the book of Exodus and look at the giving of the law and the way that God established for His people to meet with Him.

Abide – Restart

Jeremiah Dioquino teaches on the woman caught in adultery and how Jesus brings forgiveness and a fresh start.

Exodus 1-18

We dive into the book of Exodus and look at this great theme of Redemption and Deliverance. God brings Israel out of bondage in Egypt, and He does the same for us – delivering us from the bondage of sin. It’s what God is all about!

Genesis 12-50

We continue our journey through God’s Word as we fly over four key people in the plan of God. They are all instrumental in the beginning of the nation Israel, the nation God will use to bring a Saviour to the world.

2 Chronicles 29:31-30:27 – Passover Protocol

We see the continued reforms by Hezekiah as he sends out word throughout all Israel to join together to celebrate the Passover for the first time in a long time. It makes a great difference when we remember the work of God in our lives and take time to worship Him.

Genesis 1-11

In this new series we’re going to cruise through God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation at a rapid rate, looking at things from an aerial view to get the big picture. We’ll look at key themes, key events, and key people to see the overarching plan of redemption interwoven through all of Scripture. Tonight we start in the beginning and see the foundations laid for all that follows.